I have scored a few kites here in China, including a series of Delta Kites. I'm all about flying with toys on the lines, lights (at night), balloons, pinwheels, line climbers, and streamers. Problem is none of the single kites have the strength to lift the light toys (a chain of lightweight plastic lightsaber toys) that I'm trying to get airborn on their own. The solution is to train some kites together. So, how do I do it?
The kites are built, so I can't radically redesign them. Attaching the upper kite to the lower kite shouldn't be done at the lower kite's spars, as it will likely deform or break them. I don't want to have a lower kite attached to a separate line that is tied to the upper kite's line and possibly tangling them. I just want to chain them together...
Like I've tried to indicate below.
Any Ideas?