People’s Choice Flier
Neil Dawson
Dick Curran
Ronda Brewer
People’s Choice Kite
Eric Wilson
Pink Flamingo
Black & White Cat
Kite Trains
Most beautiful Cliff Pennell’s Junk Yard train
Longest John & Carol Vrolson 300-kite Trash Bag train
Most unique Tom Tinney’s Miniature Diamonds


Kite Arches
Most beautiful Georgean Curran’s Marbled Arch
Most Unique James Manning’s Wonder Bread Bag
Longest Terry Lee’s 292-kite Rainbow
Stunt Kite Stacks
Most beautiful Dick Barnes Razz Matazz
Most Unique Leonard Jullian USAF Jets
Most Colorful Marion Debbaut Triangle spot kites
Tail Wags Dog
Rod Milburn
Georgean Curran
Sylvia Bernaur


Spin Me Around Til I’m Dizzy
Rod Milburn
Amy Doran
Anna Boyd
Trick Tube
Dee Sargent
Ellen Pardee
Individual Rokkaku
Rick White
Ronda Brewer
Sue Clark
Club Camps
CM Fly
African Animals
Crazy Lady Kite fliers
Team TKO (tie)
Team Rokkaku
Speed Racer
J & K Plus One
Team Taz + 2
Team Red, white, & black (tie)
5-9 yr olds – David Blaylock
10-14 yr olds – Alex Ortiz
Reel Out
5-9 yr olds – Michael Wagner
10-14 yr olds – Adam Wetch
Kids Kamps
Karen Highfield
Ellen Pardee
Christina & Ryan Wetch
Foster Grandparent Fly
Al Fernandez
Rick White
John Overmier
Red, White, and Blue Day
Best of Show Angel Engbaun
Most kites Lilac City Wind Chasers
Goat Hill Gang (Tie)
One Line Display Dennis Handel
Biggest Piece Angel Engbaun
Senior Ballet
Masters Dan Burnham
Brian Champie
Willie Hendrickson
Lisa Root
Snow Birds
Experienced Richard Hurd
Jeremy Percival
Wynn Lincoln-Rowson
Charlie McClary
Novice Sylvia Bernauer
Terry Nuzzo
John Overmier
Best of Show Ray Bethell
Senior Fighters
Paul Peters, NY
Bruce Lambert, WA
Scott Bogue, LA
Red, White, Blue Rokkaku Battle
Kirstian Slater
John Rusher
David Gomberg
Soft & semi-rigid Alexa King ( Apprentice)
Bill Cox ( Journeyman)
Sam Huston (Kahuna)
Tom Tinney (Smallest)
Cooperative Butch Harviston & Kevin Sanders (Apprentice)
Rod and Marty Milburn (Kahuna)
Line Accessories Karen Highfield (Journeyman)
Scott Hartleyy (Masters)
Gary Pennelll (Kahuna)
Trains, Arches, Centipedes Anne Huston (Journeyman)
Mick Dahms (Masters)
George Curran (Kahuna)
Innovative Concepts & Design Eric Wilson (Apprentice)
Mark Engbaum (Journeyman)
Miriam Schafler (Masters)
Rod Milburn (Kahuna)
Cellular Ray Basarski (Apprentice)
Sam King (Journeyman)
Mick Dahms (Masters)
Sam Huston (Kahuna)
Fighter Kites Richard Hurd ( Apprentice)
Paul Peters ( Journeyman)
Chuck Lund ( Masters)
Steve Bateman ( Kahuna)
Figure Kites
Richard Corriea ( Apprentice)
Glenda Kleppin ( Journeyman)
Miriam Schafler ( Masters)
Rod Milburn (Kahuna)
Cari King ( Apprentice)
Sam King ( Journeyman)
Miriam Schafler ( Masters)
Rod Milburn ( Kahuna)
Stunt & Multi-line
John D’Andrea ( Apprentice)
Dick Barnes (Kahuna)
Traditional Bob Brown ( Apprentice)
Gary Goodenough (Masters)
Rod Milburn (Kahuna)
Flat & Bowed
Dee Sargeant ( Apprentice)
Neil Dawson ( Journeyman)
Paul Horner ( Masters)
Ellen Pardee ( Kahuna)
Delta & Derivatives
Anna Boyd ( Apprentice)
Dana Suttell ( Journeyman)
Harvey Rolf ( Masters)
Sam Huston (Kahuna)
Junior Dual Control
Experienced Wyatt Neagle
Cody Anderson
Kamron Cosgrove
Novice Emma Gudith
Alex Thompson
Matt Carter
Best of Show Jonathan Taylor
Mystery Ballet
Experienced Sylvia Bernauer
Jeremy Percival
Cody Anderson
Masters Willy Hendrickson
Jerry Cannon
Cal Yuen
Kahuna Jerry Hershey
John Barresi
Penny Lingenfelter
Best of Show Troy Gunn
Hot Tricks
Chris Thompson
Jim Thompson
Wynn Lincoln-Rowson
Cody Fly
Debbie Schwab
Doc Counce
Amy Doran