
Cover Story: Ahhh… Scheveningen, Holland’s Highest Day (cover photo of Nick Morse and Cody kites by Eric Schoevers). Features: Tal Streeter’s major review on kites as an, plus a postscript report on exhibits, including André Mignard on a Cerf-Volant Club de France show in Paris, John Spendlove on the kites of Frank Holterman displayed in Manchester, England and lists of past/future shows; Wood Ellis essay on termites and kitefliers; Valerie Govig on general rules for world records in kiting; Bill Rutiser’s report on the International Exposition of Asymmetrical Kites, Burtonsville, MD; and Larry Hoffman on the convertible cubics of Takji Kuroda. Departments: What’s New: Kites: the Snowflake kite, Sutton Flow Form, Waldof Star kite, 15-disk centipede, Newport Boat, nylon Skynasaur; What’s New: Books: booklet review of “A Guide to Frustrationless Flying” by Great Winds Kites, “Tips on Buying and Flying Kites” by Walter Leuzinger and “How to Get the Most out of Your Fishing Line” by Paul C. Johnson; Innovations: the 14-d Box Kite by John Spendlove, with Curtis Marshall comment; Design Workshop: Guy Aydlett on the Piney Mountain Air Force and the Hornbeam SledKite, Mark 1; News From Here & There: Oscar and Sarah Baileys kite workshops, FL; the naming of the Paul E. Garber Preservation, Restoration and Storage Facility, MD; Wyatt Brummitt on the fliers of Rochester, NY; Betty and Miller Makey on the Ohio Kitefliers Association; Richard S. Robertson on the death of his son, John, and a postponed kite tournament in TX; David Ayling on the Kite Fliers Association of South Australia, Inc.; news from the British Columbia Kitefliers Association and Garry Woodcock on the Toronto Kite Competition, Canada.

Cover Photo:

The scene is Scheveningen beach in Holland, outside The Hague, where one of the most sensational kite festivals of the summer has been happening for the last three years. In 1980, one of the star attractions was Nick Morse and his marvelously crafted Cody man-lifting kites from England. The sight is captured on film by photographer Eric Schoevers.

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