Topeka, Kansas

I can’t begin to tell you how much fun this was. Perfect weekend, the weather was cool, wind a little gusty and beer, lots of beer. They had competition but I can’t remember who won, but we all enjoyed the show. Sam & Barbie Pedregon from Colorado were there with their totally awesome collection of kites. They had a huge black Octopus, Trilobyte, Dragon and a lot of others they worked hard to amuse us with. They put on a wonderful display. Jug Buckles got his alien kite out and flew it for a while, Amy Pitman( a miniature kite maker from Topeka and one of the many people who inspired my daughter Carrie to get into miniature kite building ) made Jug a miniature duplicate of his alien kite. It was very good and I don’t think Jug could have been more honored. Amy helped spectators make miniatures all weekend.

Later that evening there was an indoor fly at the high school gym, awards were passed out and everyone gave indoor flying a try. Matt Grimshaw gets better every time I see him. Shane Snowden was at the event without his mom so we all took care of him. Cliff was a big help in keeping Shane’s pants pulled up, the fact Shane was upside down at the time .……… They had a silent auction to benefit a local resident in need of surgery due to diabetes. It was a huge success.

Most of us camped out at the kite field, it was a beautiful night so we did a little night flying. There won’t be many more chances with the heat of summer coming on.

Sunday we saw more huge kites and we got out the buggies and taught Paul and Tomarra Taylor how to buggy. Not to be out done, Keith and Michell Thomason gave it a go too. Tomarra showed us her now famous trash can maneuver. No one does it quite like her. Michell tried to take a giant leap for man kind with Cliff’s Comp 1, but Tomarra was quick and held her down by the pony tail. Justin Pedregon took to the buggy quick and that kept him busy most of the day, he has the tread marks to prove it. We were truly amazed at how far Paul could go with the buggy having just got on, that is until we watched him pull it from place to place, put the kite up and sit down. We decided he changed area so he wouldn’t get discouraged. Tomarra started her buggy with a slow motion tip over, very well done while Michell let the kite get her started and then let go to coast to the bottom of the hill. Won’t be long before we become the Central Buggy League.(Just kidding Troy)

Carrie Lemons actually flew a kite this festival in between making miniature kites. There were a lot of firsts at Twisted Lines and I can’t wait to do it again next year.

Collette Lemons