What’s happening at The World Kite Museum (WKM)? Well… Actually, a fair amount!

Way back in Kitelife issue # 31 (July/August 2003), we made a somewhat impassioned plea for YOU to help support the WKM in their efforts to expand their facility.

The WKM has agreed to purchase the old Long Beach Fitness Center building for its new museum and offices, multiplying their display space significantly to over 6,000 square feet… It’s about time, too!

What’s that got to do with you? Well, quite a bit, actually.

You see, the WKM is the only kite museum in North America – and they also put on kiting workshops and programs… They even maintain written and oral (on tape) “histories” of kiting events and people!

With well over a decade in existence, their collection of kites from around the world has increased to over 1,500 kites including over 400 Japanese kites that are considered to be the most complete collection of Japanese kites outside of Japan itself.

In addition to their outstanding kite collections, the Museum has extensive archived publications… The American Kite Association has combined their archives with the WKM’s. All this makes the World Kite Museum one of the major information sources on kiting anywhere in the world.

The educational programs they put on include elementary and high schools in both the local and surrounding areas, adult touring groups, local organizations, and Elder hostels, just to name a few.

The Museum also has a membership program which includes a quarterly newsletter, a membership card, free admission to the Museum and invitations to special events and previews!

But – the WKM has been out of truly suitable display and storage space for some time now. And the agreement to buy a new “home” means they’ll be able to display more kites, maintain the storage climate and humidity, put on more exhibits, maybe even have the work-space to refurbish some of those old kites they have in storage. In short – they’ll BE THERE for you, when you need/want them… That’s what the new building means!

The real question still is – will YOU be there for the WKM? After all, helping the WKM ultimately means helping yourself, your fellow kiters, and the future generations of kiters, too!

To help WKM:

You can also send donations directly:

World Kite Museum
P.O. Box 964
Long Beach, WA 98631

If you take a moment to support them, the WKM will be there for YOU… And generations to come!

…and a huge THANKS!
