Just caught this tasty tidbit from the Blue Moon Kites website, per designer Ken McNeil himself:

Twenty Mojo 9912′s are available for order. Price is $289, including a $50 deposit to hold your place on the build list. I’ll be building at about 8 a month, starting 3rd week of February.  In the event that all 20 are not sold by March 1st, orders will be closed at that time.  No discounts or specials apply.

You can use the button below to reserve your place on the build list. If you have a favorite number between 1 and 20, please let me know. I can’t guarantee it, but I’ll try. Once you’ve reserved your Mojo, I’ll be in touch with an estimated build date. I’ll send an invoice for the balance a few days before your kite is ready to ship.

Knowing how popular Ken’s kites are, no doubt the waiting list for these will fill up fast!

More Mojo info – http://www.bluemoonkites.com/mojo.php