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Reports from kite events and other kite related adventures.  

Entries in this blog

San Ramon Art and Wind Festival 2016

Oops, a bit overdue on this one.   Memorial Day weekend brought around the San Ramon Art and Wind Festival.  It is a Sunday-Monday festival, this year held on May 29-30, 2016.   Sunday started off on a good note, with temperatures not terribly hot, and there was wind!  Bumpy, inland wind with lots of "holes" typical of that location, but nevertheless there was wind.  Sport kite fliers flew demos most of the day, interspersed with some other attractions.  Penny Lingenfelter put on a sho



10th Annual Morro Bay Kite Festival (2016)

The 10th Annual Morro Bay Kite Festival, organized by Shaun Farmer of Farmer's Kites and Surreys, was held on April 23-24, 2016.   Friday morning, I picked up Penny Lingenfelter from the airport, and we headed south for Morro Bay.  As we were driving through Gilroy, we were hit by a huge downpour where I could barely see out the windshield.  What is it with rain and kite trips this year?  At least it has only been during the driving days and not the flying days.  We arrived in Morro Ba



Kite Party 14 (2016)

Friday, March 11, 2016 I set off early in the morning with a fellow kiteflier on our 400 mile drive down to Huntington Beach for Kite Party 14, my first Kite Party.  It was raining for most of the drive as a storm was moving south at the same time we were.  When we reached the LA area, the rain was so heavy it was hard to believe that the forecast for the weekend called for sun and good kite flying wind.  By the time we reached Huntington Beach though, there were



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