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...or perhaps 'The left hand doesn't know what the kite hand is doing' would be a more accurate description!

Entries in this blog

...Eight weeks later...

Suddenly, it's May!   The weather has been turning colder here over the last few (eight!) weeks.   Work has been busy, and combined with the end of daylight savings time, it has definitely put a crimp on my flying!   I finally got a chance to debut my new ribbon tails last weekend, they looked great!   Unfortunately I can't show you any video, the GoPro wasn't working properly - operator error!  Then I got rained on and it dawned on me that I now had to work out a way of drying 2 x 25ft tails...



A newbie to the big wide world of kites!

Hello there, welcome to my blog! I've never really done one of these before... short story even shorter: I got myself a 2-line kite.  Didn't know anything about kites.  I found this forum and asked the following question: I received a lot of helpful information from the locals and the thread kind of evolved into me detailing my flying experiences.  It was suggested that I should do that in a blog instead, and so here we are! I'm planning to put links to any videos that I have tak



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