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We've Been Invaded

The NC State Parks System turned 100 years old this year.  Fort Macon State Park, our local kite flying field, had a huge celebration by re-creating the Siege of Fort Macon.  The re-enactors were everywhere, including where we usually fly.  They enjoyed watching us fly kites and we appreciated the work they put into the re-enactment.  It made for a special weekend for all. We've Been Invaded 



The Earth Day Celebration

The Carolina Kite Club was asked to put some color in the sky for the Earth Day Celebration at Fort Macon State Park.  Unfortunately, strong winds made it unwise and unsafe to fly kites on the beach that day.  Although some did try.   The Earth Day Celebration



Back To Our Roots

We started our kite flying journey with single line kites.  And on this day they were the only ones out of the bag.  It was very relaxing. Back To Our Roots



Banners At Sunrise

Tried to do some flying on Easter Sunday.  Turns out it wasn't kites we flew. Belated Happy Easter



Playing Catch-Up III

At last, I'm finally caught up with our flying days.  And with the new additions to our kite bags.  Yes, I said new additions.  Take a look and enjoy. Playing Catch-Up III



Playing Catch-Up II

Here's the continuation of my attempt at catching up.  I'm almost there.  This one is a little more introspective.  I do have my moments, rare though they may be.   Playing Catch-Up II



Playing Catch-Up

I've gotten behind in posting on the blog.  So here's the beginning of catching up. Playing Catch-Up



Where There's A Will...

When one hasn't flown much in a while, desperation can lead to innovation.  And such was last week's kite fly..  Where There's A Will...



This Is Not A Kite Festival

We traveled to Florida to attend Kitemania South.  The weather didn't cooperate all that much but the company was great.  We brought light and medium wind kites and, of course, the winds were "blowing a gale".  And then there was the rain.  We're planning on going again next year.  Hopefully we'll have the right kites and better weather. This Is Not A Festival



The Problem With 'Hanging Out' At The Kite Shop

The weather for the weekly kite club fly was once again unfavorable.  So instead of flying we went to the kite shop to visit with other flyers and see what was new.  The problem was there was something new and I ended up taking more kites home with me.  Check out the following blog link to find out what is new in my kite bag. The Problem With 'Hanging Out' At The Kite Shop



The Last Kite Fly For 2015

This past Sunday was the last Carolina Kite Club fly for 2015.  It turned out to be one of the best days we've had in quite a while.  Temperatures were above normal and the winds were light to moderate as the day wore on.  It's not often we leave the house at 10:00 am and don't get home until sunset.  Good weather, good flying, good friends and some new flyers joining us for the first time.  So here's to the beginning of another year full of more friends and more flying.



What A Kite Flier Does...

This past weekend was the weekly kite club fly.  While the weather was great, the wind was nonexistent.  As it has been in many Sundays past.  And so this is the routine for a non-wind day. What A Kite Flier Does….



Been There, Done That

Quite a while ago, I started a kiting blog on another site.  The link to that blog has been in my signature.  While I think this feature makes for a better placement of a kiting blog, it is a major undertaking to migrate and already established blog from one site to another.  One I am not technically up to doing.  So, instead, I'm going to put a link in this blog whenever there is a new posting to my kiting blog. I hope my friends here will make use of the link an



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