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Where am I now?



It's been over three years since: The Prism Flip appeared on the clearance table at LL Bean.  Went to the beach & got a SnapShot 1.2 based on the cash in my pocket.  Met Reef Runner on the forums, bought a Zero G from him.  Flew my first Rev, a gift from my wife.  And almost three years since I got everyone to buy kites for me for Christmas.
As time rolled on many more kites have followed, along with many great kite friends who are all still my kite heroes.  I have been wisely advised by the Masters.  It's still almost unbelievable.  My original thought about kites still holds true.  I just want to fly them all.  I now see the goal as a moving target as I make small steps in so many directions.  It is adding up slowly.  Do I "own my hover" with Revs?  Not really but I've made significant down payments.  Can I trick a dual line kite?  Well, some progress has been made & I have the "right kites".  Single line kites?  My collection expands but have spent the most time on the gliders.  Power kites?  I have learned how to not scare myself too much.  But know they deserve special cautious effort & study.  Should I be at a certain level of skill after a defined amount of time?  No, for me it's always going to be about the journey & the individuals who share it along the way.

My humble thanks, SHBKF

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It ain't about the destination, it's about the ride.

You meet folks along the way. Some ride for a short while, some for the rest of the way. But each one builds a memory. 

Keep it up mate. 

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