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Diamonds and Updates



It's been a whiles since I added any entries to the blog but it not for lack of sewing kites. After Jester II I decided it was time for some new color chemes AND new fabric.. 22 YArds of Icarex in Black White, Silver and Gray followed soon after.. I decided to take a chance and make an offer on the scrap bin and received a good bit of the full spectrum of colors..A full sunset fade20180519_181043.jpg


was the first endeavor followed closely by  purple fade with several different shades of purple 20180524_125722.jpg

A touch of blue20180525_191458.jpg was commissioned by a friend and

what color was left went into a true color quilt I call Scrapestry.. 20180603_133656.jpg


I PLAN for all of these kites to get first flight at the Rogallo festival at Jockeys Ridge, Nags Head NC in just over a week.  Still a ways to go but Leading edges are made and the panel sewing is all done except for the center panel section of Scrapestry.. Hopefully there will be video soon..



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