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Phew! It's been a while.

G'day everyone. 

It has been a while since I've visited the forum. But. With changes I've made I will be semi regular back here. Time, spare time, has been hard to come by of late. Challenges both professional and personal have required my energies putting a lot of things on the backburner. It was when I was having a pretty bad week that I just grabbed my Djinn and went to the park to work out some frustration that I realised how long it has ACTUALLY been since I'd flown. I felt good. I felt free. More of this for me. 

I hope you all are keeping on and have made it through. 


Made love.



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Nice to see you around here again!


It has been a while     ...

Same here, have only done some occasional kiting related stuff lately. (“Excuse list": The nearby parking (previously used for quick quad line kite fixes) has mostly been more of a construction site since a year soon. Apart from some personal reasons, much (non-summer) spare time has been into daily operating the tiled fireplaces after work and chopping a lot of logs. This to avoid the heating costs that has turned "impressive" lately. Also picked up another hobby, scything and maintenance a meadow to help a couple that we know with their hobby sheep farm. Well it is still on a field, but without kites.)

However during the last few days I've been watching several (mostly oldie goodie) educational/inspirational kiting videos and felt the hunger:

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