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As the day breaks

With not a lot of flight time comes, for me, a level of desertion.

Motorvation leaves. Inspiration dries up. Inclination goes. I begin to contemplate selling off kites that I don't fly. 


Then the day breaks and a new source of inspiration presents itself. My oldest girl, 10, has a group of friends that knock on our door every weekend and they all go to the park to ride, play, skate and generally just hang out. This past weekend was no different. There was a gentle breeze so she asked if she could take her kite. She is really good like that to ask, of course the answer is yes. I tell her if she doesn't want to share her kite with the rough kids to say I said she couldn't. Anyway, she is gone for maybe half an hour. I spy her little delta floating on the breeze. Suddenly she is back and looks a little upset. Apparently some other kids were making fun of her "little" kite. I start to tell her not to bother with them when she gets this twinkle in her eye. 

"Dad, can I fly your big one?" she asks with a widening smile. 

Yep, I know exactly what she means and how she feels. So I give her a brief demo how to set it up just to remind her, she is always helping me set up though. I tell her to set up on the other side and let them come to her... So she does. And they do. I peak out the window to see a little crowd of her friends standing around her fly this massive, to them, kite. A 3 meter (10 foot) delta with a 15 meter (50 foot) tail. She came back all smiles and gave me a big hug. 

"They had never seen one THAT big. Thanks dad."

Awww, bless her. 


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