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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Flexi, 3Stick chineese, Roc,
  • Flying Since
    H since was 5: N since 1985
  • Location
    Edgewater Park Cleveland Ohio
  • Interests
    KAP, Sport kites, Kite classes,

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  1. OK some of you have heard this story before and some have not so let’s start at the beginning. Well back at the Apple Festival we got approached by a lady whose brother had died in California and left her his kite collection and she did not know what to do with it. We, being Nancy Lockwood, Phil Salzstein, & me (Harry Gregory) went to the lady’s home in Warren, Oh. to look over the collection. What we found was shocking, amazing, and downright silly. To bring this collection back to Ohio from California was not what we would have done. We would have tried to sell it right there. But hey, it’s here now so here where do we go from here! We feel that they are here so go with the flow. If you go to the OHIO SOCIETY for the ELEVATION of KITES Facebook page and go into the “File" directories (or the attachments here) you will see 3 files called “KITE SALE SPORT KITE SHEET.PDF” “KITE SALE SINGLE LINE SHEET.PDF” AND “KITE SALE ACCESSORIES.PDF”. These list the kites and accessories we found is the collection and the condition that we felt the kites are in. On 12/06/17 we rented a hall and opened each and every one of the kites to be photographed so if you look at the sheets you will see each of the kites has a number and the photos are coded to what the list is, so sports kites are SK1, SK2 and so on. Single Line SL1, SL2, if there is more than one photo it will have a letter after like SK3a. So look on the list to see the kite you want, and then look in the photos. The photos are in the Facebook page and go into the “Photo" directories. The photos are separated by the Sport kites, Single Line Kites, and Accessories. If you have any questions, let me know. We are taking offers on all the kites and if you want them before Christmas I think we need to shut this down by the 15th so look over the list and the photos. A word of advice. We took the octopus into UPS and had them tell us worst case shipping. We figured $350.00 to ship the west coast. I will post the offer list every day and when a kite looks like it is not moving any more I am going to drop the stake hammer. Look and offer. I will try to inform anyone who get outbid but remember I am not Ebay. I just take PayPal. I will update the list every day. Let me know at kiteinfo@osekcleveland.org or at OHIO SOCIETY for the ELEVATION of KITES Facebook page. Our club get a percentage of the sales. 12-08-17 ACCESSORIES KITE LIST.pdf 12-08-17 SPORT KITE LIST.pdf 11-23-17 SINGLE LINE KITE LIST.pdf
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