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Everything posted by peterbruusmadsen

  1. Thanks guys. I'm hoping it will get here within a week, and looking forward to getting to know it and see what I think of it both with and without the springs. A huge thanks to all of you for helping me begin the journey. This is a great forum and I'm learning a lot, reading the older posts here.
  2. Thanks for the advice, but I have already ordered the Classic Reflex, so will just have to see how it is. Can't be any worse then my Mojo
  3. Thank you for your answers guys Is there any spar parts I should ordre with the kite. What will typically brake?
  4. So, if you had to choose between these two, which would you pick? https://www.kiteworld.co.uk/acatalog/Revolution-1-5-Reflex-Classic-.html#SID=78 https://www.kiteworld.co.uk/acatalog/Revolution-Kites---Rev-1.5-Reflex-RX.html#SID=78 The Reflex Classic comes with "standard" vertical spars in the package, so I would have the opportunity to both go Reflex og non-reflex right away. The Reflex RX seems to have better wear and stress reinforcement, which would seem to be a plus.
  5. Thanks Bill. Will stay away from the XX model
  6. Wow, thanks for all the answers and advice. So, if I get a Reflex and another pair of verticals, I can turn it into a non-reflex and get the best of both worlds? Or at least try both types and see which I like the most. Anyway, a huge thanks for all the replies. I will read them again a couple of times, to make sure I get it all.
  7. Hi. I'm relative new to kites and are looking to get a revolution. Right now I'm flying a HQ Mojo, but I would like to have more stability and control, hence the wish for a revolution. The Reflex seems to be a good "all in one" kite (I know that such a thing don't really exist). It flies in a relative large range of wind and seems to be easy to fly. What are the drawbacks to it? Is there any other rev kite I should be looking for instead? I can fly the Mojo relative good, but I/it lack the ability to fly really precise, both in flight and in changing position in hover without moving to much around. Bering in Denmark, Europe the selecting is rather limeted, although I have found a store in England that have a good range of rev's.
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