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DannyB last won the day on June 27 2024

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About DannyB

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Prism Quantum
  • Location
    Indian Rocks Beach, FL

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  1. I have the black and white kitten line laundry by Premiere Kites. I can’t get the head to inflate. The two bridle lines attached to the ears just collapse together. Any tips?
  2. So simple, yet so smart. I inadvertently did this by going out again Wednesday night. Consistent spin in the other direction. Paid more attention to line length, and they differed (left to right) by about 3 inches. Sure enough ...
  3. Newbie quad flyer here - but I'm getting the hang of the very basic ideas. What are the most likely causes for a kite consistently wanting to spin left? I mean like right as it launches I need to start trimming it - consistently correcting for the leftward spin. I will admit I'm not terribly confident that my left and right lines are the same length. But any other culprits to suspect? Thanks!
  4. Riffclown - thanks for the offer! I found someone closeby with a Rev Tarantula for sale, and when I bought it, he threw in an Albatross quad for me to learn on. He didn't want me learning/beating up the Tarantula so he sent me a bit of a beater, I guess. Kite flyers sure are good people!
  5. I love messing about with single line kites and zooming a dual line around the wind window. I'm tempted to get into quad lines. What is a decent starter kite that won't leave me bored or severely limited when I get more experience? In the dual line world, the Prism Quantum fits the bill perfectly. Is there an analog in quad line kites nowadays? I appreciate any tips or advice.
  6. Bob IS my uncle, and that was the trick - I didn't even think to pull off that end cap. Adding the weight makes it an entirely different kite. What fun!
  7. Flying my Prism Quantum the other day, I noticed that where the lower spreaders insert into the center T-fitting, they no longer slide in and stop. I can insert both spreaders on either side, and one can push the other spreader partially out of the fitting. Has this always been the case (and I never noticed), or did something give way in the center fitting? The net result of this was that my kite is more prone to coming apart when I'm knocking about in a particularly brisk wind. I'd love to know if this is normal, or if not, if there's something I can do to get it back to the way it was.
  8. That's what it says in the pamphlet. But there's no room to slide it in because the spine is already in there!
  9. I've read and re-read the instructional pamphlet that came with my close-out Zephyr late last year (2019), but I can't figure out how to attach the removable spine weight. Does the little shaft on it get crammed into the same pocket as the spine? I can't figure out how to fit it in there. Any tips - or better yet, a photo? (Bonus points if you can describe the process without causing the temptation to cut loose with a "that's what she said.")
  10. I've gotten to where I can do a backflip fairly consistently, and sometimes I can even wrap it up into a yo-yo, at which point I laugh at the absurdity of life. Shortly after that, I ask myself, "How do I unwind this?" I accidently did it once, but I don't know how. Any suggestions?
  11. I'm riffclown in the making. I only take two because that's all I've got!
  12. OP here. I've enjoyed all the interesting points y'all have been making. And I realized that I didn't really ask my question in the right way -- or at least the motivation for my question was missing. My issue is that I'll check the wind forecast on Windy, go to the beach, and then be like -- so what is the actual wind speed and how does that compare with what I read on Windy so I know what to expect next time? And it seems like I'm better at remembering numbers than feelings. But I'm resisting the urge to get a new gadget and will just try to pay better attention. And carry two kites unless I'm very sure about what I'll be facing.
  13. How do y'all figure out the wind speed when you're flying? The best I can do if check my Windy app for current conditions, but that is extremely approximate. I'd like to know what winds I'm flying, to better judge what to pull out next time I go out.
  14. Chook: That rig is SLICK! Did you construct the whole cleat assembly? I'd love to know if I could do something like that without buying special tools.
  15. DannyB

    Wind forecast

    What web sites do y'all find are worthwhile to get a decent wind forecast? I'm in the Tampa area along the Gulf, and it seems like relying on weather.com doesn't give me the detail or accuracy I need to find out if it's worth heading out to the beach to fly. I found windfinder.com. What do you use? Thanks!
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