Many thanks for the advice folks, I really appreciate you taking the time.
Any bridle adjustments I've made have been small and methodical and always return to neutral after flight, I learned that from reading these boards 😉 The sail is a little loose in the middle but the trailing edge seems okay. I did notice some play in the upper/lower leading edge connectors so I might try packing them out a little so they are snug.
Anyway, I had the Nexus up again today with a deliberate "that's just how it is", mindset and it felt better. It was still shaking and flapping in a low-ish wind but I just decided to enjoy what I had. I think I'm going to be looking for a frame delta that works better for me in the near future (as well as a smaller, faster foil for higher winds). But until I've done my research the Nexus will keep flying.