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Everything posted by NateyLB

  1. Back plastic washer that holds the back of the sail stays fell off. Maybe it was bigger than the screw head? I have the screw type too. Took the pieces off another kite to get flying again.
  2. Just got my ITW hydra and have taken it out 2/3 times. Haven’t been very aggressive in it and haven’t flown it in winds over 12mph. For some reason I just wanted to open my kite bag and the two inner standoffs just fell off, no plastic washers or anything in the bag. Has this happened to anyone before?
  3. Dieu Vietnam! Lmao. Toi cung la nguoi vietnam. Gia Dinh toi de la Bien Hoa @vnkite
  4. Hi all, New flier here. Decided to pick up a Prism Jazz to have fun at the beach one day and I fell in love with it. I have upgraded the Jazz to a Quantum 2.0 and have an ITW Hydra on the way. I was flying in some really light winds today and was having trouble getting the Quantum to do what I wanted so I just switched over to my Rev. What kite do I need next? I want something that I won’t outgrow in the UL range. Was thinking something among the lines fo an HQ Shadow. I want something that I can get up when nothing else will.
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