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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Rev EXP
  • Flying Since
    May 2021
  • Location
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

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  1. The xx vented arrived the day before we had a cold front speed through. 13mph winds gusting to maybe 18-20. Worked beautifully. I'm really impressed with these kites. So's my pup. 😁
  2. Wife may beg to differ.🤫
  3. Great feedback! Thank you! Patience is not a virtue of mine - one xx vented pc20 on its way!👍 Between my 3winds UL, Rev EXP, WR2 vented and xx vented, I should be covered!
  4. That's good advice! I was feeling like it was kinda sluggish especially after flying my UL 3winds
  5. That's an interesting tip on the tuning 👍. I'll give that a go
  6. Yeah, I saw that too and found it somewhat amusing but figured I would get her the benefit of the doubt. She also might be using a translation service.
  7. I just got this response from Emmakites regarding wind ranges for the Windrider 2. I didn't expect a response but I figured it was worth a shot and it was nice to see they respond! Hi Phil, This is Lynn from emma kites. Thank you so much for your interest in our kites. If it's the Freilein quad line kite that you'd like to purchase, here are the wind ranges: It needs a run to start flying the kites when in the wind of 3~6MPH, light breeze. For standard, vented, X vented type, the best flying wind is: 7~21 MPH For XX vented type, the best flying wind is: 11~27 MPH Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is any question. Best regards, Lynn
  8. I was recently grounded on a 20+mph windy/gusty day and I need a vented kite. Thinking about adding a Freilein Windrider II x vent or xx vent in pc20 specifically because I'm just starting out and they look like a screaming deal at $139 kite only from emmakites. Anyone have any thoughts or experience on these kites? Anyone know how the pc20 has held up/performed over time? I just received a vented Windrider 2 in pc20. It looks pretty sweet and came in a very reasonable week and a half. I'm so new to this I'm fairly certain I wouldn't know the difference in performance between this and a Djinn and at 1/3 the price it kinda makes sense. Unless someone thinks this kite will get up in the middle of the night and murder me, I'm going to order a xx vent in pc20 and should have a decent beginner's quiver for cheap. Here is a pic of the vented I just got
  9. I just recently described it to my wife that it's like golf - tons of flubs and frustration but that one beautiful "drive" (inverted hover, axel, catch and throw, etc.) keeps you coming back.
  10. I'm looking forward to getting to that point! 👍
  11. Sign me up for that kite! 😄 Thanks for all the advice guys. Guess there's no shortcuts. 🤷‍♂️
  12. If someone asked me what learning quads is like:
  13. But, but, what about all the videos where they look like they're going just as fast in reverse as forwards??? 😭 Lol Thanks for the insight!
  14. Between the post and the video, another successful snagless conversion. Thanks for posting this! 👍 . As I was working on mine, the biggest takeaway was to make sure the anchors you use have a shoulder on them to protect the leaders from the nasty metal. My anchors hung over the edge, but a little file work got them nice and smooth and flush so it was easy to get the cap back on. Cake!
  15. I will definitely try that. I'm sensing that I could go with more brake in higher winds. I'm completely new to this so it's a work in progress. Thanks!
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