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Everything posted by Gaines

  1. *raises hand* Newb with a question. What are downbridles? I just got a used 4-8 and haven't yet had any steady winds to try it out.
  2. I've actually been looking at the area just SE of Vegas. It seems there's a really nice place on the river to kiteboard and some great parks.
  3. I'm recently divorced and starting my own web publishing business. I've gone from putting down roots to being untethered, and am faced with the question of whether I want to stay in Nashville, TN or venture to a different part of the country (or world). As I think about where I'd like to live, I find my two primary factors are cost of living/housing and weather. For now lets ignore cost of living and address weather. I have a Harley and love to ride. I also have a passion for kites and would very much like to live somewhere on or near water with good wind so I can sail and kiteboard. I also hate humidity after growing up in Columbia, SC. I can take almost any heat as long as it's not humid. I understand there's some wonderful lakes in the midwest where the wind is amazing and the humidity is low. Of course, the west coast (ie. California) is an obvious choice, but it's so crowded and expensive (from what I hear). Hawaii is at the top of my list, but that's where cost of living really becomes a factor. If California's expensive, I hear Hawaii is outrageous. I must admit, though, that I've spent my entire life on the East coast and know very little about the rest of the country. All I know is that MS/GA/FL/SC are just too humid in the summertime and don't really seem to have the best wind either. As I said, I'm hoping to be fully self employed in the next couple years so proximity to employment shouldn't be a problem...although having a major airport within a reasonable driving distance would be quite nice when it comes to traveling for work or visiting family. So where would you move if you could go anywhere?
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