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Everything posted by Classair

  1. Hey All, just checking in the buggying is going great here in Florida. The tires are doing a lot of digging in the packed sand next to the ocean. It's starting to get real hot in the day time and we have our first hurricane out in the ocean. Keep you all updated! Ronnie
  2. I have a complete set of flexi foil bullets and several blades for lifting, They pull better than the beamers. a
  3. sorry Bullets
  4. I may have gone over the top.. just got a few more kites Flexifoil 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 7.0 The kitebag is getting cramped
  5. Thanks Penny and wind, Well the kite works fine now. I just bought a Flexifoil buggy last night (and put it togather the same night) and today i got my first ride the wind was choppy about 5 to 8 inland at the park where I go. It is harder than it looks I can stand and fly ...it is another matter when you set in the cart! going over on the beach in the AM they are calling for 18 MPH HUM.... and it is a continuious wind not realy sure how I am going to get the kite set up in the wind but gona go for it!. Oh I did get dumped a few times on the first go around Keep you advised Thanks Ronnie
  6. OPS, Forgot I have one more question the beamer2 3.6 seem to have a lot of line streach on the power band of the flight. It felt a lot diff than the 1.0 I am not sure if it just felt that way or not
  7. Penny, I sold that firebee 1.0 and got a beamer2 3.6 first flight today and it flys so much slower but the pull is a lit more fun.... The buggy is next! thanks for the help and advice. I think I have got some sort of bug now I LOVE IT Ronnie
  8. Got rid of the firebee 1.0 and went to a beamer2 3.6 and I like it! next come the buggy then I am set, Thanks for all the replys I am going to the correct forum here now. Ronnie
  9. Thanks so much, I had readjusted the lines as you had suggested (Slid the knot and tied a new loop for connecting to the kits leaders all the same length now. Then adjusted the break lines for slack it flew better... But I would not be at the edge of the flying window, you could feel the pull (greater at a spin in place) and then all of a sudden it would just fold up and fall? It is new does the skin being (new) or crisp have any thing to do with the ease of flying? I have put it up on Ebay going to get a Prism Fanatic. I did not like the tag on the kite stating (Made In China) I was hoping it was made like the canopy I skydive with, tabs to attach the control lines and not just having the lines knotted together
  10. OPS... IC I posted under Single Line-Beginner Questions (sorry)
  11. None of the lines were the same... Yea I got POed but i got over it
  12. I had bought a (Don't Laugh) FireBee 1.0 just to learn quad line control. I attached the lines to the kite and this thing will not fly with 15 MPH winds! winding up the line after a few choice words found none of the lines are the same size some as much as 3" difference, Thinking to my self I am going back to a pair of lines... I was thinking of putting it back on Ebay or trying to fix the lines if it would even help it to fly any help would be greatly appreciated. If I choose to sell I was looking to get a Prism Fanatic or an Illusion any thought on either one?
  13. I was looking at the demo video and checking out Sue Sedgwick (Dogstake) it is so wild to watch the control she has on her kite. ops I know this is not buggy time
  14. Penny, you ask"Which state are you in" I am in Florida (Sebastian) one hour south east of Orlando. I not sure of any kite stores around here if you know of any please let me know
  15. Hey All, I am new to this forum and to kiting being I live almost on the beach I was looking to get into a buggy and do my learning that way, I skydive every week and I have a good idea how a canopy flys. I can use all the info you all wish to through at me! Thanks looking forward to your reply
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