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Everything posted by Albroswift

  1. Mine seem to work better with 4 lines...
  2. I know, I know.... But once a month I get the "your subscription has expired" email just before I get the "you have a new subscription" email, tried to shoe horn this in right between the two. Guess that doesn't count... ;-]
  3. Chiming in from Seattle. 1 SLE 1 Supersonic 1 EXP 1 Power Blast 2-4 1 mustang 1 karmann ghia 1 4wd f350 3 pairs of skis 1 boat 1 travel trailer 1 utility trailer 4 cameras 1 weber 1 metal lathe 1 mini mill 1 drill press 2 band saws 1 table saw 2 hotsaws 3 bench grinders and on and on and on... BUT ONLY a month to month subscription to Kite Life (Hint hint) Thanks-- Al
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