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  1. Shanobi, Just remember to start slow and in every session spend time working on things like stalls, straight lines, punch, pull and combo turns. Get the kite to do what you mean for it to do. I don't break my tutorials down by skill levels but start with the Half Axel and Fade. Those are two very important "gateway" tricks that so many other tricks build from. If you are having trouble viewing my videos after download, try the VLC player and www.videolan.org. Some are in .avi format compressed with the DivX codec and others through .wmv. And you are right... Practice, Practice, Practice There generally no shortcuts to learn this stuff. At least that was the case for me. All the best!
  2. randyg

    Back Spin

    You should be pulling straight back. Don't get into the habit of swinging your arms out to the side. Let the nose go deeper before you go for the Lazy Susan. Depending on the kite, it should fix your problem. Play around with it to see what your kitet likes. MEFM's are pretty old school I guess and I have no experience with them. Randy
  3. I'm a hack. Check this guy out. The definitive polyvalent sport kite flown by the definitive sport kite flyer: RD Debray Replica Nirvana Video Be careful, that last one is a large one. It represents the flying parts of the Limited Edition DVD that was included with the very rare Debray Replica Nirvana produced a few years ago. Enjoy! Randy
  4. randyg

    Back Spin

    Dean, there should be no reason you cannot watch all of the tutorials. Some of my first were rendered in .wmv format but the video quality was fairly poor. To correct that problem, I started compressing using a DivX program which results in a file type .avi. If you download the DivX codec at www.divx.com you should be able to watch all the tutorials. Another option is to download VLC player that will play virtually any video there is. It can be downloaded here: www.videolan.org Good luck with it. BTW, thanks John. Randy
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