Hiya... I've played with duals for about ten years. Looked at the quads off and on, but was a little aprehensive about trying them. I tried one a year ago. I had real difficulties flying it, but found that it was something I would enjoy learning to do. Unfortunately, I got tied up with other things and all but forgot about it.
Anyway... my wife got me a Rev 1.5 SLE for my birthday. Woot!
I flew it on Sunday and managed to control it. Got it up and tried some easy turns. All in all, I was pleased. I can fly this thing. Winds were probably too strong and it was like a horse. I'd get it calmed down and hovering nicely right in the power zone and then a gust would cause it to bolt for the sky. Wow! What a pull!
My gawd I am so hooked.
I'm reading through the forum and finding out all things I don't know. I suspect that in the next few months, I'll be curious about mods, but right now it's perfect.