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East Coast Kiter

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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Premier Vision, HQ Symphony Beach
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    East Coast, Canada
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  • Interests
    Biking, snowboarding, animals, reading, traveling, video games, movies, and kiting.o
  • Gender
    Not Telling

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Newbie (1/7)



  1. I think I'm down to the Nighthawk or the Wolf, both by Premier.
  2. Has anyone had experience with this kite?
  3. Does anyone know anything about the Magnum?
  4. Yes but I am not able to shop online.
  5. I'm really between the Magnum and the Widow in this one.
  6. Okay, so I've gotten fairly good at controlling my Premier Vision and doing some small tricks with it, and I think I'm ready for an upgrade. I'm looking to get a kite in the next couple of weeks. I don't buy online so I've basically got the brands Premier and HQ to work with. I'm not a big fan of HQ when it comes to stunt kites. My friend has an HQ Bebop and I don't like the way it flies in comparison to my Vision. Basically I want a kite that I can advance my tricking with, but will have good handling and control, and by what I've been reading lately, it's the bigger the better for me. So the four kites I have in mind are... Premier Nighthawk. Premier Wolf. Premier Magnum. Premier Widow. It was suggested to me to check out the Nighthawk, but it's the smallest of the four I'm looking at, and I'm looking for something a little bigger. I like the Wolf and the Magnum, but I don't know much about either, other than that the Magnum is bigger and it's wind range is better, so if anyone can give me any information or has flown one before, I would appreciate some information on either of these. Right now I'm leaning toward the Widow, unless I find out something I really don't like about it. Thanks in advance for any advice or information anyone can tell me about these kites.
  7. I believe I'm going for a Nighthawk or Widow soon.
  8. I have a really dumb question here... I've been flying my Premier Vision since march and can land/relaunch, side slide, stall, etc. I love it. But when I bought it, the guy at the shop gave me a weight. I've just recently figured out it's a tail weight. I've never used it with my kite. I'm just wondering what exactly does it do?
  9. Thank you both for your advice. Always, the reason for this club is to fly and have fun and hopefully share our interest with each other. I don't mind organizing anything at all. I've never done anything like this before, but I am loving it.
  10. Hello everybody; Okay, so a couple of months ago, my friend and I, miffed at the lack of clubs pertaining to kites in our area, decided to create a club here called East Coast Kite Club. At first it went on the backburner because we were having some personal problems, and never went anywhere. However in the last month we've been going crazy with it. Advertising, etc. Since then we've got about 20 members and growing. We've been featured in a small family newspaper as well. We're also merging with an older club which went on the backburner but the founder is looking to merge under our name and bring his members over to us so we can go at it together. Lately my friend has dropped off and has not taken much interest in it. Basically came out of the woodwork to help with the newspaper article and that was that, so I've basically been running this rapidly growing club solo. I'm about to send out my first newsletter via e-mail. I guess I just have a frw questions if anyone can make any suggestions. 1) What would I include in a newsletter other than date, time, and location of our meeting? 2) So far we're connecting through a Facebook group and through e-mail, but I'd like to get it more face to face rather then all online. How would I go about doing this? 3) I've advertised on Kijiji, and the newspaper is getting word out. How do I go about advertising even more? 4) What kind of events can I try to organize to bring more interest in our club and really get the members enjoying being involved? Thanks everyone!!
  11. I know this is the wrong area of the forum, but as I don't kite board/surf/buggy, I wasn't sure... Also, excuse the stupidity of my question as I'm still new to kiting. I have an HQ Symphony Beach 2.1meter power kite. I am a sucker for shorter lines. I had 80ft Premier lines on my stunt kite that I was using on both kites because I like their shortness. One day I was using them on my power kite and they snapped. So I headed to the store and bought 80ft HQ lines. Last night I was flying the power kite in about 15-20k winds with the 80ft lines and they snapped. So my question is, are they snapping because they're too short? Thanks!
  12. My friend and I are into kites and we were looking for a kite club in Halifax without much success, so we decided to create one. So far, it's only a facebook group called East Coast Kite Club. We'd like to get some members from Halifax and some from all around east coast Canada. We're just wondering if anyone has any tips on starting a kite club and getting members?
  13. Thanks for the awesome comments. Jason, thanks for the advice on the sideslide. The only thing I'm fuzzy on is how to get the kite to stand upright. I want a bigger kite, but I need to learn these simple tricks first. Can anyone give me advice on kites for when I do decide to go for a bigger one? I'm pretty much limited to Premier and HQ, since I don't shop online. However, I really like the quality of Premier Kites. Here are the kites I have a choice of... HQ Quickstep II HQ Bolaro Premier SR2 Premier Jewel Premier Nighthawk Premier Addiction Premier Wolf Premier Trick and Track Premier Magnum Premier Widow I really like the Bolaro, Nighthawk, Wolf, and Trick & Track. Does anyone know about these kites?
  14. I don't know much about size differences, but I have the HQ Symphony Beach 2.1m and I LOVE it!!
  15. Hi; I just joined today. I moved to a windy city and recently discovered a love for kites. I have an HQ Symphony Beach 2.1m power kite, which I absolutely love because of it's power. I also have a Premier Vision, which I love because it's so easy to handle. My friend and I were flying with my kites for a while, and she's gotten completely addicted and today she got an HQ Bebop. Anyway, we have a handle on launching, flying and turning, and landing. Is there any easy tricks we can learn to get us started in trick flying anyone can suggest? I understand I won't be able to do anything fancy with the kite I have at the moment, but I need some help in layman's terms on how to do things like stalls and slides and whatnot. I want to learn that before I graduate to a larger kite. Thanks!!
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