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  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Borelo 2
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Spencerport, NY
  • Country
    United States
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  1. I am happy to be onboard. The warm temperatures are melting the snow, so may be out this weekend.
  2. I just received a HQ Borelo 2 from my wife at Christmas and dying to get it in the air. Being in western NY there is a bit of snow on the ground and hoping a thaw next week allows me to get out with it. Looking foward to increasing my skills as I move forward. I have a single line delta which I been flying for years, but was getting bored with it (once in the air it flys itself). One thing I have learned on this site is if a sport kite is diving run towards it, contary to flying the delta. Glad to be a part of this group.
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