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  • Flying Since
    3 years of age
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    United States
  • Interests
    I enjoy flying kites and playing the clarinet and saxaphone. I also enjoy cheerleading and spending time with my friends!!

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  1. Hello again! This past weekend after talkiing with my close family I realized that my "Lacie for President" campaign has gotten a little out of control. I have made a final dicision that I DO NOT want to run for President. I think that my time would be better spent forming a special "Youth Committe" within the AKA. I hope that those of you who are eligible to vote will vote for someone who is eligible and who you think will fulfill this position.
  2. Hello Fellow Kite Flyers! It seems that my first posting was a little bit misunderstood. I hope that you will read this one and have a better understanding of what I am trying to do. Let me begin by introducing myself. My name is Lacie Simmons and I am 12 years old. I have been flying kites for 9 years. I was an active member of the SJKF for 4 years before moving to Florida 3 years ago. I love to fly all types of kites. I also love to teach children about kites and kiting. For 6 years I have been involved with doing kids kite making workshops both in New Jersey and Florida. I consider myself a master sodi kite builder. This year the South Jersey Kite Flyers brought me to the Wildwood International Kite Festival as a featured guest where I helped with the social on Friday night. I also worked with Glen Davidson and Paul Berard doing miniature kite workshops. I helped with the registration for the event itself as well as the auction and banquet. While there I realized that the youth of the kiting community needed a voice. That they needed to be taken seriously and have their ideas count. I came home and started a Lacie for President campaign. I knew that the AKA by-laws stated that a person must be 21 years of age to be president. Because of this I decided to try and run a write in campaign to make a point to the AKA executive committee that the young people count. We are the future and our ideas and views are important. Since I started this campaign I have been working with Dave Gomberg to develop a special committee that would focus on the youth. He has been very helpful and encouraging. This committee would have the goal to voice the opinions, ideas, and views of the youth. I hope you will support me in this goal and look forward to your feedback.
  3. Lacie here! I am running for president of the American Kiteflyers Association (AKA). If I am elected president some things I would change would include getting the youth involved more, which I would do by adding a 'for kids by kids' section to the AKA newsletter, and getting a youth president so that the voice of the youth was heard and took into consideration. I would also solve the problem of not having insurance for buggying and kite surfing, I would do this by making classes that you have to pass and get a license in order to do these things. Another thing I would do would be to get more kiting events in areas that don't currently have them.
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