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Everything posted by rumpybuster

  1. Hey Thanks John, also thanks for working so hard to create and keep going such an awesome online comunity for all of us wind addicts. You and your team are awesome!!!
  2. Hey everybody, I recently added a Kymera to my collection. Really awesome kite, but I was wondering if someone could point towards some more detailed info about the bridle. I have a number of dualies, and the Kymera bridle is quite a bit different than anything else I've flown. Any tips about adjusting it for lighter stronger wind would be helpful. I feel like I get the basic idea,, but it would be nice to verify. Thanks for any help in advance!
  3. Just in case you decide to build your own KAP rig, (as I recently did) you might find these items usfull. I used this servo controller. (BestDealUSA Srervo Tester CCPM Consistency Master Checker 3CH) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008MHVP7K/ref=oh_details_o03_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Paired with this servo (Continuous Rotating Servo) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BG9N5JM/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and a four AAA battery pack to make 6v In idle mode that Servo controller will turn that servo continusly 360 degrees very slowly. Works like a champ! You can add up to two more of those servos to that controler for click and tilt, but it will kill batties like no bodys business.
  4. rumpybuster


    I purchased a volksquad as my entry to quad line kites, and also struggled with it. I was unsuccessfull flying mine untill after I had flowen revs for a while. The volksquad is quite a bit stiffer than revs are, no matter where you set the tensioning lines on it. Also the volksquad has a fairly narrow wind range that it works in. Don't try learning it on to strong, or to light of a day. I've had the most sucsess with mine in 8 to 12 mph winds. Watch some of johns rev tutorials and pay close attention to his hand placement on the handles, and try to keep a little tension on all four lines the whole time you have the kite in the air. If you give it to much slack it will get away from you. It's very satisfying the first time you tame the volksquad. At least it was for me, have fun!
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