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About steve48

  • Birthday 09/10/1964

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
    Anything that fly's
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Winona MN
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Flying Kites, Traveling, Flying with friends, Meeting new people
  • Gender

steve48's Achievements


Newbie (1/7)



  1. Yes I do need this
  2. If any one is interested I have a Beamer IV 4m that I am looking to sell. Only flown on the grass. No damage comes complete RTF

  3. If any one is interested I have a Beamer 4.0 that I am looking to sell. Only flown on the grass. No damage comes complete RTF

  4. I have some fantastic news I would like to share. Volume 1 magazine out of Eau Claire WI is doing a feature article on me April 28th 2011. Do to the fact that they were very impressed with the Revolution kites and after showing them what the kite could do they said how did you want to pursue this? I told them I was looking to start a kiting club in this area. I can’t wa

  5. I have some fantastic news I would like to share. Volume 1 magazine out of Eau Claire WI is doing a feature article on me April 28th 2011. Do to the fact that they were very impressed with the Revolution kites and after showing them what the kite could do they said how did you want to pursue this? I told them I was looking to start a kiting club in this area. I can’t wait

  6. Went out flying my New Revolution Blast this weekend. I can't put into words what a great time I had. I had a chance to use the Race Rods on Saturday, Then on Sunday I winds where up so I used the SLE. I made the right choice purching this. What a rush!!!!!

  7. Great Point Im working on filling my second kite bag
  8. I need help expanding my English Farm can you help? Thanks

  9. Well it just sounds like Mr. unnamed fourm is just a bit bitter because he never won anything. HMMMM Let's think about this when you go out gambling do you really expect to win. Steve
  10. Today is a GREAT DAY I just got my Rev Blast I can't wait to get out and fly it!!!

  11. If anyone has any Rev's for sale Please let me know Thank you

  12. If anyone has any Rev's for sale Please let me know Thank you

  13. Thanks for the info I have taken care of that issue
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