I flew it a couple times today. The wind died for a few hours while it switched direction, perfect for a lunch break and then back at it! My first first attempt was not so successful. I kept trying to get it into the air to launch. It wouldn't go, or it would automatically do a nosedive. Someone I didn't know even held it up for me but it crashed right away. Then I noticed the bridle lines were tangled, and had to unhook the flying lines, straighten them out, and reattach. I must not have been very careful when putting them on the first time. After that, it self launched with a water bottle fairly easily.
It moves pretty quick! I think I figured out what the 'window' means. If I go too far to one side or the other, it slows down and starts to lose altitude. I got it making figure 8s pretty quickly. Then I started having to 'flare' (for lack of a better word) to keep it in the air - so I put it down and brought it home. When the wind came back up, I went back to the park. I can self launch it no problem, and even if I crash it I don't usually have to go and fix it (unless it gets really twisted). I started making ground passes as best I could, and got it to do some loops. For some reason, looping to the right is much easier than looping to the left. Then the air force showed up to play flag football and set up right where I could crash into them. So I went home, but it was so fun! I cannot wait for it to be windy again.