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    United States
  • Interests
    Kite Flying, music, Andrew VanWyngarden
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Newbie (1/7)



  1. Hey everyone! Thanks for all your help and advice! It's been a while since I was active here, but I want to become more active again. It took you guys' advice, practiced (and got frustrated sometimes) but I feel like I've gotten pretty good at flying this kite. I did cut my lines which ended up helping a lot more than I expected. Also, I've really been enjoying this kite. Thanks! You guys are awesome!
  2. Can I get any tips to cutting the lines? I've never had to do that before and am afraid to ruin them
  3. Thanks everyone! I'll order 18' lines and in the mean time cut the 50' down to about 32' and see how it goes.
  4. I tried flying my Prism 4D but couldn't even get it off the ground. It was my first time flying it and I was using the 50' line it came with, which might have been the problem as it was light - no wind. I adjusted the bridle though and followed all the instructions. How do I fly this thing?
  5. Welcome to the forums BuriedinFish :)

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