i too a newbie here looking for the light at the end of the cave found a sprit for about $85. at Sea Side Kites.com and FunWithWind.com has free shipment for anything over $30. check them out the lowest i found the rev price was $139. for the Rev EXP
Will John Barresi i too know both owners at Sea Side Kites and Fun With Wind i driven to both stores to buy stuff from and had long talks with both of them, its Sea Side Kites that had the Sprit for $85. and Fun With Wind has it for $100. so who has it under prices here, now the only problem i had with Sea Side Kites is that i went there looking to buy something an we strated talking bout DVD's for stunt kites , i told him that Fun With Wind let me BARROW one an to return it whin i got done with it , i didn't want to keep it long because i live about 1 1/2hr away from him i did not know when i would have time to get it back ,so i took it home that night an i just made copy it for my self with out him knowing it , i return it the next day , will the NEXT DAY Sea Side Kites reported it to Some Kite Rep that Fun With Wind was making Coppys of DVD's an SELLING the COPPYS so if these are your kind of kite community people you like to back up , will it must rubb off too in your small kite community. i like talking to both about kites even thou they have there differences i consider both kite people witch help me get started in this sport, i never had a problem with Fun With Wind he had help me fix my kite and gave me tips on how to fly better too and he doesn't sell REV's at all i have to go to Sea Side Kites