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About Wishous

  • Birthday 07/10/1978

Profile Information

  • Favorite Kite(s)
  • Flying Since
  • Location
    Boise, ID
  • Country
    United States
  • Interests
    Rev Kites
  • Gender

Wishous's Achievements


Newbie (1/7)



  1. Do you know about when you'll be through the Yellowstone/Teton area?
  2. That kite stack is awesome!
  3. Wow, what a trip! That's totally something I want to do some day. I see you are making a stop in Yellowstone near the end of your journey (I'm imagining it will probably be this fall that you'll be there)... are you planning on a clinic or anything at that point? I live in Boise, I know you're not coming through B-town, but you'll be close, Yellowstone and/or Idaho Falls is only a few hours away from me.
  4. Welcome to the forums Wishous :)

    1. Wishous


      Thanks! Just got a B-Series (in the Night coloring) with 90# 120' lines, a 2 wrap and a race frame a couple of weeks ago from A Wind Of Change in Salt Lake (drove down for a visit!), and have been practicing! Need some tips on hovering and posture, light winds (light-gusty winds have been what I've been dealing with here the past few days) and clockwork items. So... thought I'd subscribe to check out the tutorials and spend some time on the forums!

    2. Wishous


      Oh, forgot to mention it's a Mid-Vent.

    3. John Barresi

      John Barresi

      Good stuff, you're in the right place here - lots if friendly and knowledgeable folks on hand to help and inspire. ;)

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