I am getting back into flying stunt kites after a long hiatus. The first stunt kite I ever flew was some sort of Prism delta dual line from the mid 90's, closest model I can find that is in production today is the Prism Nexus. I was at my parents house cleaning out a closet and I found the kite, it is my mom's kite in truth, but she always let my siblings and I fly it. She told me I would have to get a kite of my own now, so I did!
I decided to get a Prism Quantum, mostly because I really wanted a kite, the local stores had them in stock and it is rated to fly in slightly lower wind conditions then the Nexus. Even though I was able to learn a lot about flying with the first Prism kite, I remember many painful days when the wind was just below 5mph and we couldn't get the kite to fly. One of us would launch the kite in the air while the pilot ran backwards as fast as they could, as long as you ran the kite would fly but as soon as you stopped it would stall. If it weren't for those memories I may have gotten a Nexus
The design of the quantum is not that different from the kite I remember, it is bigger, and also the wrist straps are a little different. The concept of having many lengths of line with wrist straps is not something that I see as practical yet. I learned how to fly with dual flat wrap handles, if the line wasn't long enough you could play out the line in mid flight until it was the right length, or if it was too long you could just wrap up the extra line. There are drawbacks that I see as minor annoyances, some times the lines wouldn't be the same length, and some times the string could fall out of the notch that locked it into a specific length but these things could be fixed without too much trouble. So with this new kite I am not really sure I want to go with wrist straps and have many different lengths of line or if I will go back to my old ways and find some flat wrap handles. thanks for reading, looking forward to learning more about kite flying and talking to new people.