I've made the changes, thanks for that Rob.
I'm keen to get a vented rev, the winds are strong on the coast.
What vented version would people recommend and a good place to buy from in Australia.
wThat would be great Rob......
I don't mind paying for those type of items if it will help me with my flying, i was having trouble finding the supplies.
.the wind is looking good for next few days here in Perth
Thanks again.
My rev came in the mail the other day, have flown it a few times... I'm so excited I feel a bit like a big kid.
I have a broken leg ATM and wife is driving me everywhere and I'm driving her crazy!!
It's going to take a long time for me to master the basics I think.
My question is......the lines that come on the handles (not the actual flying line) are very short, the videos I've watched would suggest they need to be longer on order to customise the length. Should I just get some standard line and tie knots accordingly or are these lines sold seperatly And my next question, where can I get these in Australia
I got a 1.5 I think it was. Dave pretty much said, leave it to me and I'll sort you out.
I was happy with that and I'm sure he will look after me.
Excellent customer service.
Can't wait!!
yes I've flown the kites.Wind was a bit light on but managed to have some fun.
I've ordered a rev from 'kite connections' in america..... so its just a waiting game.
i will PM you sparkieRob, that would be greatly appreciated.
What rev did you get? Dave is pretty y good to deal with. Awesome pilot.
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they both fly very well, i only have limited knowledge...... but from what i could tell, im happy with what i got.
I don't have anything to compare them to, as I'm only new to this, but the Crossfire would be my pick of the two.
yes I've flown the kites.
Wind was a bit light on but managed to have some fun.
I've ordered a rev from 'kite connections' in america..... so its just a waiting game.
i will PM you sparkieRob, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your replies guys.
I ended up with a 2 kites from eBay that I'm happy with......prism jazz....sky dog crossfire.
I also have a bid on an Elliot jet stream.....so we will wait and see.
First thing I've ever bought on eBay.
I have been looking at the revolution kites in my travels. A few questions:
1. Are they difficult to learn how to fly
2. Will I be able to fly it first go without any one there teaching me?
3. They look bloody awesome and the speed is unreal
I don't mind going for the expensive one straight up if I can get parts etc.
Cheers guys
Max and min wind ranges are a variable thing. Ideally your "flying wind" needs to be somewhere in the middle.
A UL and a Std pair will serve 80% of wind here in Perth. A Std will be of more use than the UL though.
There aren't any kite stores in Perth for stunters. You can buy stunt kites but they are of the "light recreational use". There are a couple of "East Coast" stores that are quite good. Both for website info and service. Sometimes range can be a bit limited but it's more to do with demand being not huge. Postage from the U.S. needs to be factored in as it can be a little limiting.
Nitty gritty time.
$500 for kites...
Is that for 3?
Of the same?
Or do you want a spread of wind range?
Tricks or just casual zooming around?
Do you want rtf, ready to fly with lines and straps?
If it was for 3 rtf trick kites the same, I'd suggest a Skydog Jammin. Heaps of features and capabilities for the price. I own one. And all three of you could fly together. However, this does limit you to a "Std" wind.
Check back with a little more info to help.
Hey, with summer coming up we should meet up. I promise to hold of letting you fly the Revs until at least the second hour...
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thanks for every ones replies......
i was thinking around $100 x 2 for boys kites
and $300 for my own (because my kite has to better than there's.....its only fair right???)
all have to be ready to fly.
I've had a look on eBay there was a prism Zephyr i think from that guy formally mentioned. $249 used once
What do you think?
Hi all
I'm looking at buying some kites for me and my boys. I've been looking online for a while and I'm confused in regards to wind range. Does the max wind range mean if you fly the kite in more wind you will break the kite?
Also after some advice on a good around stunt kite for me. I've flown them before when I was a kid.
I'm looking at spending $500 all up for me and my boys.
I've been looking at widow maker/prism oricum etc.
Are there any good online stores I should go to.
I'm in Western Australia.
Thanks in advance,