The AKA and the Kite Trade Association will once again hold a Poster Contest for use during Kite Month 2013. This year there will be $200 in prizes. The rules for this contest are:
Poster must contain AKA, KTAI and NKM logos. (These can be copied from the National Kite Month website
Poster should have spaces at the bottom for an organizer to write in:
Event Name _______________
Date & Time _______________
Location __________________
Contact ___________________
Sponsor __________________
Poster elements should be appropriate for 8.5x11 inches.
Color is preferred.
Format should be .doc or .jpg.
Entries must be original art work/photos of the entrant.
All submissions will become property of the AKA.
Entries must be submitted by January 24, 2013 to
There will be two categories judged, adults and children. The prize for the winning poster in each category will be $100 in cash. For questions email For further information go to the National Kite Month topic on the AKA Public Forum,
Mike Mosman
Director at Large
National Kite Month Committee