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Found 16 results

  1. 1,671 downloads

    Another in our ongoing series of Rev tutorials, this one covering the theory and ideas behind tuning, giving you the basic understanding of how to tune lift, power, response and control to your own taste! NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Tuning Theory I Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Tuning Theory I Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Tuning Theory I French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Tuning Theory I
  2. 2,057 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one exploring the methodology and application of handle grip, body position and posture, as well as hand and arm position.One of the keys to successful Rev flying is being relaxed and comfortable, using hand and arm positions which grant you the most leverage with the least effort. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture & Grip French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Body, Posture and Grip
  3. 653 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing how to do maintain a hover in 7 basic orientations.Once you're able to hold a hover with some degree of stability, the sky is yours because you can now stop in any position, and even control your speed when necessary. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Basic Hover Lithuanian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Basic Hover Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Basic Hover French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Basic Hover Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Basic Hover
  4. 1,023 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing the Side Slide from both the upright and inverted orientations.Side Slides make an excellent transition movement between other maneuvers, and it's a lot of fun to slide right above the ground, apparently breaking the laws of physics. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Side Slide Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Side Slide Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Side Slide French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Side Slide
  5. 400 downloads

    Another in an ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing the assembly and disassembly methods used by Team iQuad out on the field, at over one hundred festivals worldwide since 2006. While putting your kite together and taking it apart may not be relevant to your flying, it DOES effect not only the longevity of the kite and its materials, but a proven process can greatly streamline and simplify your "before and after" on the field. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly Japanese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly German Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly Lithuanian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly Dutch Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly Portuguese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly Thai Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly and Disassembly Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Assembly & Disassembly
  6. 374 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing how to make and apply a larks head knot. Aside from being the sole way most lines are attached to kites and handles these days, it's an extremely handy knot for a variety of purposes. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Larks Head Knot Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Larks Head Knot Japanese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Larks Head Knot French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Larks Head Knot Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Larks Head Knot
  7. 1,372 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing the inputs and approach used for executing the Flic Flac maneuver. Flic Flacs are a lot of fun and serve as an excellent tool for developing your timing and hand speed as well. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flic Flac Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flic Flac Dutch Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flic Flac Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flic Flac French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flic Flac
  8. 530 downloads

    Full tutorial detailing the line winding and unwinding methods developed by John Barresi and Team iQuad out on the field, over the course of over one hundred festivals worldwide since 2006. One of the recurring issues we've heard from Rev fliers, especially newer pilots, is the frequency of twists and tangles when folks set up their kite to fly but using this method correctly, any flier can set up in 3-5 minutes without fail and roughly the same to pack up at the end of the day. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management Japanese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management German Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management Lithuanian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management Chinese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management Dutch Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management Portuguese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Management
  9. 1,302 downloads

    Another in our ongoing series of Rev tutorials, this one covering a series of exercises that teach the "Bicycle Rotation" wherein the pilot is able to rotate or spin their kite in place without losing altitude! NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Bicycle Rotation Dutch Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Bicycle Rotation Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Bicycle Rotation French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Bicycle Rotation Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Bicycle Rotation
  10. 1,147 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing the dynamic of Sail Loading wherein the pilot is able to compress and decompress wind in the sail at will, using that pressure and added control to flex and unflex the frame, creating a far greater range of movement in varying wind conditions. One of the greatest uses for Sail Loading is that it also serves to minimize the amount of input required, instead relying on increased or decreased pressure to enhance smaller inputs. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Sail Loading Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Sail Loading Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Sail Loading French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Sail Loading
  11. 519 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing how to equalize your lines, ensuring equal length between right and left.All types of line stretch or "settle in" over time and will eventually end up uneven by varying amounts which effects the accuracy of your inputs accordingly... You'll be amazed at how the kite responds more accurately, and how easy it actually is to balance out your line lengths. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Equalizing Lithuanian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Equalizing Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Equalizing Japanese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Equalizing Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Equalizing French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Line Equalizing
  12. 1,336 downloads

    Another in our ongoing series of Rev tutorials, this one covering basic light wind techniques and how the Rev transitions between a powered state and gliding state, enabling anyone to fly in the lightest of winds, simply by cycling your ground space and know how to apply tension. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Light Wind Flying Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Light Wind Flying Japanese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Light Wind Flying French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Light Wind Flying Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Light Wind Flying
  13. 474 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one detailing two basic methods for relaunching a Rev from the flat belly down position, leading edge away or toward you.Being a two-dimensional kite when not under power, the Revolution can be a little tricky to relaunch when it's flat on the ground but with these simple techniques, it's generally no more difficult than flipping over any other kind of sport kite. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch Japanese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch Chinese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch Lithuanian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch German Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch Dutch Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch Portuguese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch Thai Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Flat Relaunch
  14. 1,012 downloads

    Another in our ongoing series of Rev tutorials, this one covering the techniques behind "3D Flying", where the pilot is able to pull the kite of of the sky and catch it, then toss it back out to the end of the lines and fly, all without your kite even touching the ground! NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - 3D Flying Japanese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - 3D Flying Lithuanian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - 3D Flying Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - 3D Flying Dutch Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - 3D Flying Chinese Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - 3D Flying French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - 3D Flying Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - 3D Flying
  15. 1,023 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one introducing some beginning techniques for mastering the inverted hover. Reputably one of the most difficult things to learn on a Rev, it's absolutely simple to do once you know how and these techniques should help you understand it more quickly. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Inverted Hover Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Inverted Hover French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Inverted Hover Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Inverted Hover
  16. 829 downloads

    Another in the ongoing series of Kitelife Magazine tutorials for using Revolution quad line kites, this one introducing the techniques for learning Reverse Flight and how to work toward a stable execution of this movement in the basic four directions. Reverse Flight is far easier to learn than one might believe, using minimized inputs and changing your point of reference with regard to the initial goals. NOTE: A reliable (and free) cross-platform video player is VLC, which should work with any file format including MKV. Subtitles: English Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Reverse Flight Lithuanian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Reverse Flight Spanish Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Reverse Flight Hungarian Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Reverse Flight French Subtitles: Rev Tutorial - Reverse Flight
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