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Still deciding what to do with this space, you can also find more of my stuff at the links below.
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Entries in this blog

Zen Play

One of the most popular videos I've ever made, now available for viewing only on Facebook, the media page on my personal website or right here...    

John Barresi

John Barresi

SS Great Britain

This was from 2008... YouTube stripped the audio out of it and I'm re-posting the Facebook version so folks can see (hear) the original as it was meant to be.    

John Barresi

John Barresi

Went for an urban fly the other night...

Believe it or not, I don't actually fly locally very much... Sometimes though, I get the itch and wander out to one of my favorite Portland haunts.        They all have one thing in common, pretty variable winds of anywhere from 0-8 mph with changing directions... Fact is, that stuff really gets me off and I'm very much at home with it.        This time out I went to Eastbank Esplenade, on the e

John Barresi

John Barresi

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