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How do you do that ... got a some kind of plate/holder to connect the handles to? Can you control it single handed with your other hand as well?

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Paul LaMasters


no, it's just a grip and more practice.  I place the little finger between the two grips (prevents entanglements) first.  

Use your thumb as necessary, on each grip (so a flick-flak is easily possible but an axel takes too much handle movement in relationship to each other, to be effective). Turns are thumb pushes or wrist squeezing.  Sliding is just about out of the question!

Grip one handle with two fingers and also rotate your wrist to effect more dramatic differences.

most importantly?  As always!, get comfortable with the kite inverted.

Stevie D is the true master this activity but my friend Paul Dugard can fly one in each hand to music and make it look good, heck he even ties the two together with a long tail and sky-writes interesting stuff.

My coach told me to work on my weaker hand until it was unconscious, then go to your strong hand.  I think it happens faster if you do both together.  I probably have fifteen years one handed with my weaker right.  In fact was bumped to masters in 2004 after I flew one handed ballet competition in Rhode Island. 

When flying one in each hand, you can't look at the kites directly, you have to watch something specific between them and fly from your preferal vision , at least mere mortals do it that way.  Stevie can make 'em walk in time with the music and stepping opposites sides too!

Obvously your flying lines and equipment need to be tuned perfectly.

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