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Playing With Perspective

Since the new year, I've turned my attention to materials other than tails.. Nothing wrong with the tails constructions but I wanted a new perspective.. and that perspective was perspective..

Angled shapes started out as a lazy harlequin pattern in complimentary colors. Because of the pattern it became the Jester. This was my first run at edge joining materials that were not already hemmed.large.Image3.jpg.b2b06b545f2de25e09b898e


The Jester followed by a vanishing point perspective in dissimilar materials. large.Image1.jpg.0dc96cfd7960b7f8a3d6ac5


Because of keeping the grain of the fabric somewhat aligned for Midnight Royal Taboo, those strips fit together in a B2 sized kite I call Yonder.large.20180124_170651.jpg.0df68a10f7f4ad (Those that participated in my Christmas riddle got the reference right away)


Finally I went back to the Jester color scheme and created a new kite experiment with 2 perspective.. I suppose this was also inspired the cubic look of some of the @Polo design. The sail shape tens to lend itself to the dual perspective images in a somewhat natural progression. . Going with the Jest from Jester and the obvious checkerboard effect, Jest Checking In is laid out and ready for sewing.20180202_181814.jpg


Enjoying the way it truly bends the eyes, I decide to move the vanishing point to the bottom and the center instead of the top.JestCheckMate.jpg

While I have to finish one kite before I lay out another, I did use the small endpieces you see in the Jest Checking In picture to mock up a 70 panel version. 20180202_230409.jpg Nothing precision here, just wanted to see if the pattern will stay consistent.


It was pointed out tp me the points of the pattern don't line up perfectly. and I will acknowledge that fact.   My goal here isn't perfection but effect.  It has to look right at the end of the lines.. the overlap for the long angular strips (in all three kites since the Jester) is 1/4"  those angle just don't line up when you slice and overlap them in a different direction.. but at 100ft the effect is still there so I'm happy with it..


I have a bit more of the orange and blue so a large triple perspective will probably be next but I want to finish what's laid out before going down that route..






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