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Stuart's Invictus showing it's size


The eight foot ceiling shows the tip to tip dimensions of the Invictus.  It is definitely a full sail & a real beauty.

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Photo Information

  • Focal Length 18 mm
  • Exposure Time 10/600
  • f Aperture f/3.5
  • ISO Speed 400

Recommended Comments

Very nice looking! It is even possibly a kite (if available) that could make me hesitate for a moment before using it on a somewhat muddy field (which normally would not be a problem). It is also funny, once when starting to think about something you suddenly see it in several places. In this case it is the backward pointing "V" of the panel. I guess this kite is something you trade for or make?

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Got a chance to fly this kite on the beach a few days ago for the first time ever.  I was flying a few figures & going through my meager collection of tricks.  An observer walked up & asked me if I was a professional flier.  I laughed of course & said "No, just an advanced beginner."  So I proceeded to explain & demonstrate for a bit. Well it turned out to be the best dualie flying I had ever done & this on my first flight with Stuart's fine kite.  Once in awhile I have a special moment with a kite.  I will remember that one for a long time.

Thank You Stuart,  SHBKF 

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