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Everything posted by KiteTastic

  1. Hey everyone thanks for the tips and advise! Look forward to trying a few different ideas you had!
  2. I'm actually looking for a second set of handles for my other kite when I fly with friends who don't own a kite or if I can ever trick my wife into flying with me[emoji39] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Thanks for the tips! I'm still getting the hang of things. I'll keep looking at what you mentioned on eBay. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I figured I would have to adjust the Knots on anything I bought. Most of them look way to long on the bottom. How would you compare the performance or feel difference once you tweaked the knots and bottom string compared to the Rev handles?
  5. I do have everything I would need to make them... drill press, hack saw, pipe bender, but I also like the idea of just spending $20 and then spending the time I would use making it out flying:) I love making things I'm just limited on time with work this time of year. Any thought's on the handles I listed and why they would or wouldn't work?
  6. I have supported my local kite shop by purchasing both sails and multiple line and rod sets. I just wanted the handles cheaper and I'm not in a rush.
  7. Ok take it easy on me when I use two ugly word's "china eBay". I'll start by saying, I love small business and I love Rev's! Just bought my second Rev and line set this week from my local kite shop. From what I gather there are two things you don't want to skimp on the, the sail, and the lines, but what about handles? I have one set of handles that came with my RTF, but I'd like to have a second set to fly with friends who don't have a kite. Plus the base Rev handles do snag occasionally so having a snag less handle would be nice. I'm pretty handy and have thought about making a second set of handles since they seem so basic. First I thought I would see what else is out there so I checked eBay and came across these... Handle 1 This one looks to be carbon fiber and snag less. Interesting design and the one I was most considering Handle 2 Similar handle to the Rev but with a hole drilled through the aluminum at the end. Handle 3 This last one seems to be a clear nock off of the Rev handle. Anyone know if the Rev handle is patented? If so I'll remove this one. I've not been flying very long so would love any feedback or thoughts on "third party" handles. If you've had any luck making your own handles I'd love to hear about that too!
  8. KiteTastic


    Thanks! Gotta keep it lively! Can't have people thinking we're not having fun!
  9. These are beautiful! Nice craftsmanship! I'd love to make my own quad some day! Not sure it will look this nice but I'd still love to try:)
  10. KiteTastic


    The key is the 2 wraps in my hands. Brings the total weight down 😋
  11. KiteTastic


    It's from Dave at http://www.kiteconnection.com I believe there are a few color layouts in the 1.5 they only make for him. Both my kites are from him. I live about 20 minutes from his kite shop on the pier in Huntington Beach. Not sure if all Rev 1.5's are like this but I believe the sail is made with the same material as the B series kites.
  12. This might be a newbie question but did you make these?
  13. KiteTastic


    Just when I was ready to get rid of this ridiculous hoodie I decided to buy a new matching Rev!
  14. KiteTastic


    From the album: Neon

    I had this hoodie in the good will pile but I couldn't resist wearing it on my first flight with my new Revolution!
  15. Materdaddy I will for sure send you a DM if I am ever down your way flying! I actually just bought a second Rev today! Wayne is right though any kite can light the fire! Nice idea John! I'll find someone to fly with eventually. Surely at least one of the three million in Orange County has a rev and wants to fly. Maybe I'll start a meetup group.
  16. I too learned on a few two lined kites myself. Lots of bad habits to break going to a quad line. It's much easier I hear if you learn on a quad line first. I've really been enjoying the rev so much I haven't taken my other kites out. I have managed to daydream about buying another rev full vent kit because the winds have been so strong lately. I'm sure others on here can testify how addicting Revolution kites can be:) If you ever want to meet up I'd be happy to let you fly mine:) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Based on the number of fliers on the map an hour does seem rather close! With over 3 million people in Orange County I guess I was being a little entitled hopping someone was closer. It is nice being close to the beach where the wind is steady. I tried at a park but the wind was not near as clean and consistent as it is at the beach. I actually took the kite out 2 times but could keep it in the air for more than a few seconds because the wind was so inconsistent. The third time I took it to the beach and had it in the air right away and making turns within a few minutes. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Thanks for the replies! I did check the map but the closest flier is over an hour away. I was hoping someone might know of any Rev flyers in Orange County. I've thought about going to San Diego since they fly pretty regular down there it seems, just haven't made it down there yet. I was super bummed that I missed Kite Party in Huntington Beach this year. Looked like there was a lot of Rev Fliers there unfortunately I was out of town.
  19. Hello!! I've been flying Revs for a few months now about once a week at the beach. Anyone want to meet up or know of any good quad line get togethers in Southern California? I personally live near Newport Beach, CA. Trying to figure out how to meet other fliers in my area if anyone has any suggestions! Chris Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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