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Alex D

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Posts posted by Alex D

  1. On 4/4/2021 at 6:01 PM, riffclown said:

    OK I'm not absolutely sure about this but I know the Exodus and Vertigo models are Ocean Shores Kites (OSK) models.  I'm speculating the WindRider models are other models from Freilein that to my knowledge are not associated with OSK.

    Now IF that statement is true, I'll just say that Andy has a great grip on Quality control and very exacting standards. I do not know if the other models would meet the same standard.

    I would agree for the full sail models, but the UL and many vented options of the WR III at 189 are a great deal if the design and quality are decent. It seems from my linked WR III SUL thread aboe that the WR III is a signifcant improvement above the other WR models. I also assume one would want to go for the WR III because of the design improvements and frame options ... the vented versions on the WR II and WR II X are even better deals if they improved quality.

  2. I think I kinda sorta figured it out ... Size on all is the same. WR , WR II and WR II X are listed slightly larger only because of their different "extended" frame design. The Windrider II is the original design PC 20 poly with verticals connector making them stick over the LE. The Windrider II X is the same kite merely with PC 31 poly used. Now the Windrider III is a new frame design with PC 31 poly and new frame connectors keeping the verticals below the LE and the verticals cap knots inside a pocket. I assume the sail on all of them is identical.

    For a full sail WR III at 189 for kite only this is in line with the OKUSA Vertigo, but not better. However for the many vented options and the UL at the same price these WR III are a deal if they are well made and designed to fly well.

    Emma kite also shows a nice chart of vent and frame options (see below) that exactly shows where in the frame the T1 T2 or T3 rods are used on each model.


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  3. From my search here the Vertigo and Exodus are made to spec and quality by OSKUSA ... riffclown inquired with OSK and posted here on the quality of the OSKUSA Freileins in detail .... the Windrider are the chinese "original" Freilein kites. They used to have sketchy quality going by the comments then, but this is from posts here over 5 years old and I saw one here who got a Windrider III SUL and it didn't sound too bad ( https://kitelife.com/forum/topic/10645-my-new-freilein-windrider-iii-ul-ultralight-quad/?tab=comments#comment-82509 ). Emma's Kites sells all three versions ... might be worth a try since the price point is also okay. Impressive are the many color and vent options quite nicely organized as well.)


  4. Freilein makes several Windrider versions. I don't know anything about them nor can I find much. I have a Vertigo and it is a fine kite. Can someone explain the difference between their Windrider models? Size is about the same of all of them between 230 and 241 cm. Many color and vent versions on each model available: Windrider, Windrider II, Windrider II X and Windrider III (not interested in the SUL models)

  5. 9 hours ago, midibot said:

    Very cool site! Thank you!


    What is the sail colour pattern?

    Here is a link to another neat history site, this one by John Mitchell.  In particular, the Rev 1 section (there is also a separate section on rods, which may help pinpoint the age):


    You can scroll through by year to check the colour schemes for various models.

    Good history on the other Rev designs as well, such as the II and the 1.5

    (It was cool to read that early rods were made by a golf club shaft manufacturer.)





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  6. I thought for $125 (if he sells it) its a nice piece of history in my bag ... and I thought it's worth it ... that's really the only reason I offered him the money for it. It's in good shape and has hardly been flown the way it looks.

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  7. This one is not branded Neos Omega. It says "Revolution" then "Revolution I" and "T300 High Modulus Graphite Pro Series" on the sail. I think it's a 1991 model. He also has the print manual and a Revolution Training video VHS tape with it.

  8. Come to find out of all things that a neighbor of ours has an old original Revolution 1 in the attic.  Is there any sense in buying it? Can you describe the changes to the 1.5 and how it compares to the 1.5?

    Thank you!

  9. 1 hour ago, Zuul said:

    It’s nice enough for a while, but mine wore quickly and got pretty gritty feeling.  I prefer both Laser Pro Gold and SkyBond.  Matrix is better than most cheap spectra line sets, though.  

    Isn't LPG also a Spectra line? I thought there is really only one compound for kite line and Dyneema and Spectra are the very similar just from different manufacturers. Dyneema in Europe and Spectra in US?


    https://rigworks.com/yacht-rigging-services-in-san-diego/running-rigging/dyneema-and-spectra-lines/#:~:text=Dyneema has a slightly different,gaining popularity in the US.

  10. 5 hours ago, Lon said:

    Alex D,

    I would listen riffclown!

    I own both a Exodus MV and a Vertigo STD.   They were both purchased from Andy up at OSK in Ocean Shores, WA.  Side note here, Andy and Brenda, well you won't meet better people!!

    So the reason I purchased the Vertigo was to have a lighter wind quad.  Since the sail material is a little lighter than the Exodus quads, it seemed like I good choice and I have been very happy with it.  I also framed it with beyond zero rods to make it even a little lighter.

    I think you will be very happy with your purchase and there is a lot of great help here!!

    👍 I have been discussing this with and listening to riffclown and John over the last week 😉 that and to be fair to my family with my spending is why I chose to go with the Vertigo package above.

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  11. 1 hour ago, Dutchrev said:

    Interesting this returning misunderstanding regarding Icarex. Will contact tomorrow the Dutch company Vliegerop. They own the name Icarex and I know the factory is in Japan as stated above. Will ask them what the current status is regarding their ownership of Icarex.

    Grabbing some popcorn.. This is getting interesting!

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  12. I think I settled on a package to make sure I am in this for more than just a thought. THe EXP for 185 RTF is tempting. Comes in under $200 RTF to my house. But I settled for a Freilein Vertigo for 199 with Freilein handles for 49 and LPG 90#x80' lines for 71. All of it together for 320 to my house. Still wondering if I should have gone with the EXP first, but ohh well .... I had really great advice from all of you, especially riffclown and  John and I am very grateful for your guidance!!  That's also why I renewed my subscription here too to put back in. If I get the hang of it and stick with it, I will go with a Djinn MV as my next one.

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  13. Point taken!  Bingo  thats why I posted the question. Still surprises me a company would launch two products with minor differences in fabric, but not significant user benefit differences.  I dont think that we can simply dismiss products because they come from China vs Japan. I totally get the point that the characteristics of the material play a big role!

  14. In my quest for my first quad I have gotten great advice from riffclown, bunduki and of course John via PM. One question John encouraged me to post is what the difference between the two Freilein quads is when they look identical to me when I compare pictures online. I know the Exodus can be had vented, but the full sail versions of these kites look identical. What are the actual differences between them?

    • Thanks 1
  15. Thanks to all of you for helping me along!  Right now I cant find used Rev 1.5 anywhere. There is a store with new ones, but they want 315 for a 1.5 kit (no reflex) and 415 for a Rev 1.5B kit with lines and handles. A bit stiff for me and in that case I'd rather go with the excellent options riffclown suggested. On the other hand you can get a complete EXP on amazon for 185 ... unfortunately I don't have anyone to let me try out ...

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  16. 28 minutes ago, Roger Day said:

    Happy Thanksgiving!  It's about the feel, and I know as an experienced duel line flyer you know what I mean.  I have never flow a Reflex.  I know it's higher end.  Like anything new, in my humble opinion, it's better to start with a basic model and graduate.  Bear in mind I am a rank amateur.  I started with an EXP, then went to New York Minute, then a Barresi 1.5, and now a Djinn.  I still love to fly my NYM.  The EXP I break out when I see him just sitting in my bag being lonely!  When you get the one your love, you will know.  Find one that "feels" right to you, and as John always says, practice, practice, practice.  Happy Flying!

    Hi Roger. This is good advice. Riffclown also gave me fantastic advice and great option to consider!  How in your mind does the EXP compare vs the NYM and the 1.5B? I am leaning towards an EXP because at the price point and it seems to be a decent beginner.  I can see what I think. But I would like to know from you why you upgraded and what the differences are that you experienced.

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  17. 1 minute ago, Bunduki Vlieger said:

    RX: But that is the same! Please watch the YouTube video of Joe Hadzicki explaining the differences between the different Rev models. I don't understand the difference :(

    I saw that ... I don't think he adressed the difference in that video, which made me wonder what reason is there for launching a new product like the XX?

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