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Everything posted by cotturj

  1. Would that be the Currituck Family YMCA on 130 Community Way?
  2. Lol 8 miles south of centerville park is North Carolina but you know that. Where do you go down that way if you don’t mind, other than OBX.
  3. Got my RX spider going today out are Centerville Park in Chesapeake. Its a huge place with a lot of soccer fields that is normally really busy with Soccer kids but when they aren't there its empty. Really gusty glad I had a vented kite with me. I had tried Mount Trashmore earlier in the day and got soaked but what can you do.
  4. We'll see if the weather holds out. Just ordered some supplies to attempt my first kite build.
  5. I really don’t. I try at the Chesapeake city park all the time but the wind is generally terrible. You need like a 15mph wind to get 3 on the ground. It’s like being in a bowl or something. There can be great wind above but you can’t get any of it. I’ve tried to scout lots of places but the tree line surrounds most places making wind either 0 or so turbulent you can’t fly and actually have fun. I wish I could find more places considering where we live but the beach and Mount Trashmore (even that isn’t always good) are the only places I’ve ever seen decent consistent wind. The only kind of sure thing is the beaches depending on wind direction East beaches or the north (bay side) beaches. im confident if I could just find a place that was open enough like a farm you’d probably have great wind almost everyday here.
  6. Sounds awesome. Let me know when and where. I would really like to meet some other flyers. Im very ready for some Fall weather. Maybe not so much winter but some cool days will be nice.
  7. Thats great. I've flown at jockeys Ridge as well. Never really thought Corolla would be a great idea at least on the beach due to traffic but I guess there are spots that wouldn't be too in the middle of the crowds. I thought about the Wright Memorial but that didn't seem like a place people would pay and start flying kites around the tourists. Maybe by chance we'll see each other around one day, thanks for the responses. Hopefully some others will chime in and maybe want to fly together.
  8. I was looking to see if there were people in the area that fly and are looking to fly with new people. As well as where exactly people might fly, when they might meet up etc.
  9. Great, Where do you fly up in Yorktown?
  10. I’ve done some searches and most post are pretty old and since a lot of Hampton roads contains transient people due to military and contracting I thought I’d start again. looking to see if there are any locals. I’m in Chesapeake but anyone from VA Beach, Norfolk, Hampton, Suffolk, Portsmouth and even north eastern NC chime in. I don’t know anyone who flies but would really like to see if there are people around on here. thanks and hope to hear from some of you! -John
  11. I’m East coast US. I guess I’d really be looking for a kite that is readily accessible to me and has parts that wouldn’t be too hard to source here. I’m sure I’m going to break things and would be much happier knowing I’ve got something that isn’t too exotic to my location and accessibility to parts. The silver fox looks good but I don’t know about parts. I have some Rev kites and they don’t have much too them. I’ve got replacement spars and what not but the deltas seem quite a bit more complicated when it comes to parts count. it looks like Level One is in the US is that correct? Maybe I should keep them on the radar as well. Thanks for all the replies.
  12. I've been flying an inexpensive Framed Dual Line and want to step up to something that can Grow with me. I want to work on the next level ie. Axels, Fades, yo-yos and so on. The kite I have is a bit heavy on the line, it doesn't like to float. I have pretty consistent low wind at my field of choice but on weekends I can get out to the beach for better winds but most of the time Im at a low wind field. I am looking for a kite (currently in production) that would be a good place to start. I almost never see winds above 15mph, more like 0-3 gusts to 7 maybe most days. Thanks in advance. -John
  13. Ive been looking to get my first iflite. Im in the US, can you point me to a good source to purchase one. I have found them for sale but have not ordered form any of these stores before. Thank you.
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