Thanks for the kind, though automated, welcome.
I'm a bit new to kiting. My wife bought me a 4' 2-line kite a few years ago and I have dabbled with it...until this past week when we ran into the AKA convention in Ocean City, MD. Totally unexpected. I was mesmerized by the quad kites and ended up buying a rev 1.5 at their auction before we returned home... now all I need to do is find handles and a set of lines! Since I'm a noobie, I don't even know what size handle or how long I should get the line... who'da thunk string could cost so much! But I've learned a lot reading the forums today to know it's pretty special stuff, not just "string."
So here's my burning questions: what handle to get? What length for my set of lines? I see some rev 1.5 sell with 80' line, but there are just too many choices when all I want to do is learn to fly my lovely kite!