Hi john
Great you may be president. But kite life is suffering
I really looked forward to the regular issues. And there was always good reading
Since march when I think the change over was. I regularly log in and barely see a change each time
I am fed up seeing how to use a radio. In team flying. And although I defo will buy will buy Patang. That's the only interesting story for months !
For me the new format doesn't work
Why don't you add 3 or 4 blogs. From different areas. On the front page posting current updates from competitions or festivals. Or current kite intelligence ?
Instead of being a Fresh web zeen. Nimble fighter. Or elegant zero wind glider Honestly I feel kite life became a very sedentary. One liner(and I love one liners. By the way)
Honestly. Although my Japanese
is very bad. And it takes me 20 minutes each day to translate TK'S. Blog. It's more informative !,
You should recruit. Some bloggers around the world to feed in regular. Info streams
Just a suggestion
Sadly. Not feeling I renew the membership next year
Shake it up man