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Jones Airfoils

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Everything posted by Jones Airfoils

  1. Here is my daughter Amy flying kites. She is 3 and loves flying kites!
  2. Hi, I know some folks from here wanted to know when they could get some newer Jones Airfoils Mirages. We have them available now at http://www.jonesairfoils.com Custom color selection is also available. Thanks, Mike
  3. Hi. I am new to KAP and have started a gallery. I'm using a Brooxes Finest KAP Kit w/ a Futaba 4 channel and an Olympus C-4000 flying from various platforms. My next project is to build a directional stabilization vane to help subdue occasional unwanted yaw undulations usually induced by an overzealous operator ham fisting the pan servo. I plan to include kites as my subject soon, which until now I haven't done to keep things simple. There is a lot to know and understand before you even walk onto the field and helpers are a big help. Any KAPers here? Here is my KAP gallery: http://photos.jonesairfoils.com/thumbnails.php?album=3 So far these are my first efforts and I will edit as I get time and add more pix frequently. I'll get some pix of the rig itself in a couple of days, since I had no other cam with me while the Olympus was on the rig. I'm also running a KAP journal here: http://www.jonesairfoils.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=15 Let me know if you have any questions; though I still have much to learn myself.
  4. Jones Airfoils is proud to announce a licencing agreement with New Tech Kites for the manufacture of high performance Jones Airfoils Warbird Triples. For more on Jones Airfoils - Fine Tethered Aerodynes: http://www.jonesairfoils.com For more on New Tech Kites - America's Favorite Kite Company: http://www.newtechkites.com Thank you!
  5. Today is your birthday? June 1st? If that's so, then we share the same birthday LOL. 1st day of Hurricane season too! I'm even having a birthday sale on t-shirts on our site for $1.00 off. Did you get yours? "They say it's your birthday, it's my birthday too yay!" I went sky diving for my 30th. I'm spending mine today assembling a KAP rig and smoking some baby backs over peach wood Memphis style Hope yours is a good one.
  6. Enjoyable reporting as always John. Looking forward to seeing your flying, will you post that soon? If it was that close and everything being as subjective as it is anyway, than who was actually 1st or 2nd is irrelevant from my perspective. Good job. 13 used to be only 1 heat of about 4-6 depending. "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"
  7. Hey John. I hope the rest of your travel went well. I'll post your updates link in the Kite Lounge Good luck and have fun! Mike
  8. Thanks for the plug John. I hope your travels to Wildwood went smoothly. thekiteshoppe: Hi! If you have pictures and wouldn't mind sharing, feel free to post them at http://photos.jonesairfoils.com You have a cool site. We want to make a point to get out to the West Coast for a few next year and we'll be happy to share them.
  9. Thanks for the compliment John; we're glad you enjoy the kites. We'll be releasing the Jones Airfoils .Six on Summer Solstice hopefully, and new Mirage Warbirds will be out when I'm more happy with them, they are very close and I have added a sneak peek on the Mirage page. Hopefully we'll catch up with you sometime soon and share some sky! Stop by and say hello anytime
  10. Hello! Let's fly kites! JONES AIRFOILS Be sure to register on the forum. KiteLife is a great site John. We really enjoy it! Your passion for kiting and hard work are evident. Thanks for all you do.
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