Hi Guys
Just had to share this with you all so you can have a bit of a laugh at my expense ( not that you guys are that cruel!!). After having watched the DVD that came with my new REV 1.5 SLE I took it for its first flight at the weekend. its the first time in a long time that I have flown ANY kites but I was quite confodent it would be alright. When I arrived at my local beech and the tide was in so there were a lot of Kite surfers and some other sport kite flyers and not a lot of beech!!. After setting up the Rev my gut feeling that there was not a lot of room ( boy I wished I have listened to that inner voice of wisdom:-)). Anyway excitment took over and I launched the kite. Things went really well I had not forgotten all I used to know about 4 liners, I kept it high and was doing some very gentrly sweeps. I guess you all know what happened next, yep your right, over confident me decided to try some spins and thats when it began to go wrong. I only just managed to get it back under control when an over correction sent the rev into a power dive, I paniked and then the worse happened, I had not noticed that when I had been flying I must have walked up the beach towards the place when the cars were parked. CRASHHHHH My rev did a lovely tip stab onto the bonnet of a car breaking the outer leading edge and making a not insignifcent dent in the card bonnet. I then run up the beach to the speak to the car owner ( who only seconds after the crash had walked towards her car with her dog). She was VERY understanding and we swapped addresses so I can pay for the dent to be repaired. OK lessons I have learned.
1- If you take the time to watch an instuction DVD DONT then proceed to ignore the warnings
2- If you dont feel FULLY Confident that the conditions match your skills DONT fly
3- GET INSURANCE. I was horrified when I thought what may have happened if the kite had hit the owner and not the car.
4- it takes a LONG LONG time to untangle lines that have been stuffed into a kite bag in accute embarrsement
I should have known all the above as I flew traction kits for years but that was a few years ago and I guess I just got complacent. I am now Morally and financially chastised ( Love the REV tho so a new set of spare spars are in the post ). I deem myself VERY lucky to have gotten off so lightly and feel better now that I have paid the pennance of making my stupidity public.
Ray G