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Everything posted by weebaldy

  1. Thanks for the kind words and the advice. Cant wait for the new REV spars to arrive so I can practice again. This time on a QUIET beach. :-)) RG
  2. Hi Guys Just had to share this with you all so you can have a bit of a laugh at my expense ( not that you guys are that cruel!!). After having watched the DVD that came with my new REV 1.5 SLE I took it for its first flight at the weekend. its the first time in a long time that I have flown ANY kites but I was quite confodent it would be alright. When I arrived at my local beech and the tide was in so there were a lot of Kite surfers and some other sport kite flyers and not a lot of beech!!. After setting up the Rev my gut feeling that there was not a lot of room ( boy I wished I have listened to that inner voice of wisdom:-)). Anyway excitment took over and I launched the kite. Things went really well I had not forgotten all I used to know about 4 liners, I kept it high and was doing some very gentrly sweeps. I guess you all know what happened next, yep your right, over confident me decided to try some spins and thats when it began to go wrong. I only just managed to get it back under control when an over correction sent the rev into a power dive, I paniked and then the worse happened, I had not noticed that when I had been flying I must have walked up the beach towards the place when the cars were parked. CRASHHHHH My rev did a lovely tip stab onto the bonnet of a car breaking the outer leading edge and making a not insignifcent dent in the card bonnet. I then run up the beach to the speak to the car owner ( who only seconds after the crash had walked towards her car with her dog). She was VERY understanding and we swapped addresses so I can pay for the dent to be repaired. OK lessons I have learned. 1- If you take the time to watch an instuction DVD DONT then proceed to ignore the warnings 2- If you dont feel FULLY Confident that the conditions match your skills DONT fly 3- GET INSURANCE. I was horrified when I thought what may have happened if the kite had hit the owner and not the car. 4- it takes a LONG LONG time to untangle lines that have been stuffed into a kite bag in accute embarrsement I should have known all the above as I flew traction kits for years but that was a few years ago and I guess I just got complacent. I am now Morally and financially chastised ( Love the REV tho so a new set of spare spars are in the post ). I deem myself VERY lucky to have gotten off so lightly and feel better now that I have paid the pennance of making my stupidity public. Ray G
  3. Thanks WoC for the heads up on the 4-8 and the 2-4. I just received my new 1.5 SLE Rev in the post today so hopefully will get a chance to try it out over the weekend. I will also try and have a test fly of the 2-4 ASAP. Thanks to all for taking the time to reply to my newbie questions. looks like I have started the old obsession off again :-))) oh well we need to spend our hard earned cash on something huh Cheers Ray G
  4. Hey good idea Penny, I'll give that a try on Hols........... look out for an update when I get back in May Ray G
  5. Hi Penny Thanks for the welcome and the Advice. I have ordered an SLE today and should get it by the end of next week (cant wait!!). The online shop also has a SB 4.8 in stock so I will need to make sure my wife sleeps on my Credit Cards until I get back from the Hols :-))). I am really looking forward to the challange of learning the REV, off now to negociate about buggys and that SB 4.8............... I'll let you all know how the first flights go with the SLE, should be fun cause I am NOT one of those blessed with Natural talent ( Apart from some very Balletic face plants when first flying Foils ) Cya Ray G
  6. Hi Guys I read this thread with great interest. I used to fly stunties and also buggy ( about 2 years ago ) and had to give it up due to work committments. Got so sad seeing the kites and buggy go unsed I sold the lot :-((. Anyway things have changed and I was looked for a kite to use on my forthcoming hols, pretty much settled for a rev and also saw the SuperBlast and it looks AWESOME!!!. As someone with a fair amount of 4 line foil experience would you guys say that a SuperBalst would be worth try. I am still going to get a Rev 1.5SLE cause they look sweet, will the experience I get from flying the Rev help with the SuperBlast. Why do I feel a grave reduction in my bank balance looming on the Horizon :-)))) Thanks for your advice RG
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