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Everything posted by blackbeard

  1. Here in Nova scotia.The cold winter air is more dense and stable..Makes for good flying..After -5 or so i dont fly....Remember kites and butterflies make the heart soar......Blackbeard
  2. I have been trying hard to do slack line tricks with my sea devil all summer.A few hours most every day.I have enjoyed trying but i musy admit the going was hard.Hard to even do one set off a jacobs ladders.Last week i found out that a close friend was very sick..This has taken the wind out off my sails..Today i finally went to a field with a heavy heart..Then i cant describe it exactlly but when i started everything came together..Jacob ladders,and roll up no problem.If you think im religeous ,im not.But it gave me a funny feeling like some force was giveing me a hand..Im glad i took up flying kites....
  3. I have noticed that many of the experts like Randy G and John B seem to do Many tricks like Jacob ladders in what seem like (sun setting, no wind enviroment).When i try this i usually just pull the kite out off the sky.Am i just to slow or can these ladders and lewis tricks be done near calm..Frustrated but still trying to learn...Blackbeard....
  4. I dont have a scale ..Could someone out there tell me how many grams a canadian toonie is . Thats two dollars up here in the north..Thanks..........Blackbeard
  5. Just a observance that might help.I tried for months on 100 ft 150 lb test line was haveing a lot off trouble. Lately switched to 80 ft 90 lbs it did help a lot getting a little closer to kite.I do feel that later i would like to move out longer after i have more skill..If people feel this is poor advice...Please let us hear from you. Im trying to help newbies see a FEW THINGS THAT HAVE HELPED ME THANKS
  6. .After haveing flown for 1 year..I would like to point out to new beginners that if any one kite pulls harder than another,then the chance off breaking spars increases with this amount off pull.Im not saying this is a bad thing..But beginners would be smart to keep this in mind...I find with time a newie will push the limit till they have gone to far,I find this is how respect for for the kite is learned
  7. Thanks For reply.I can hold kite in turtle and fade a bet better.Finding snap stalls hard.Whenmakeing Horizontal Pass do you snap the top wing first or bottom or does it matter.
  8. When you add weight to the tail of your kite what do you hope to gain. More Spinning speed. Or just better fade holding ability.
  9. Randyg,s videos are a good help.Will keep learning ...... Blackbeard
  10. Has a beginner that can. do Lazy susans,hold fades and turtles a little.I own a narvana and a sea devil.Iam findeing it hard to link things together.I am flying from ball fields away from the ocean.Do i have to have a steady ocean breeze or can i learn in these fields with unsteady breezes.I am haveing fun but finding the learning curve a little steep..Any suggestions would be appreciated.....Blackbeard
  11. I only have one kite a hq invento .I call this a mid size has compared to a 90 cm wide kite. I fly on 100 ft lines.I figured this would get me far enough of the ground so i would not crash often.In Johns demo video its hard to figure the line length he uses.I would like some opinion on line length and kite size .could i learn better with a 90+ wide kite and shorter lines?
  12. blackbeard


    Yes two quarters under the velcro at the bottom off the spine made a big difference.Before the kite would continue a dive but now it will flatten our when given slack line . Now all i need is to practice controling the fade.I can also get it to fade half way through a axel. thanks for everyones help....Blackbeard
  13. blackbeard


    blackbeard thanks everyone for their help.................Blackbeard
  14. blackbeard


    I have a older model hq invento(obsession).I have tried to get it to fade.Was wondering if some weight added to bottom off spine would help.Even hand launching from its back will not workAny help wold be appreciated.Thinking off trying the new version any reviews possible....thanks....Blackbeard
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